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How do i report players on tcg live

I just had a dude named Vegeta1on1 just stalemate a game. He'll basically not attack you and use eldegoss to float up shuffling it in his deck. He does this on the very last card in his deck. Can he get banned for that? I was on ranked against him at the time and our game lasted for at least 50 to 100 turns at most.



  • PeterCapObvious
    PeterCapObvious Member Posts: 26
    5 Agrees Name Dropper First Comment

    He wasn't doing anything illegal. Stall is a legit, albeit frustrating to play against, strategy and was not doing anything that's illegal.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    Deck out is a valid win condition in the pokemon card game, and eldegoss loop until they either take 6 prizes or the opponent runs out of cards is a known strategy that has seen success in official events (and even shown on official streams).

  • Belguimmaster
    Belguimmaster Member Posts: 31
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    Thnx for the tip

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭✭
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    There's no report button, and stop being a baby. Even if there were a report button you can't report people for using a deck you don't like.

  • Belguimmaster
    Belguimmaster Member Posts: 31
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    I'm saving up credits to build an eldegoss deck

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @Belguimmaster I don't recommend doing that if you play in standard. Eldegoss rotates in 9 days and will only be allowed in expanded after that.

  • Ash_64
    Ash_64 Member Posts: 2
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    To be honest I’ve been playing pokemon for a very long time and I don’t understand to this day how there is no such thing in pokemon TCG. There are a lot of stall decks out there that make the match and now games way to long. Yugioh and mtg has a lot of rule for certain cards and whatnot that are illegal.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭✭
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    You... want to report control decks... for existing? What the heck

  • SwemitPlayz
    SwemitPlayz Member Posts: 1
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    ok but im trying to report a player for winning the game with the reason: "Knocked out with no benched pokémon" while i had 2 marshadow GX on my bench, and this fool had 3 prize cards still remaining, yet the game still ended

  • Trebor510
    Trebor510 Member Posts: 1
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    there needs to be a report button for legitimate claims. Just had a match where 12ish minutes into our game, my opponent open his Pokémon’s ability and then just left the game in that state. Apparently the counter for not making a move doesn’t come up when this happens and he ran is clock out to 0 but the game didn’t end. Persons account is At0mic_HoK. It’s beyond annoying to be forced to concede as there’s no way to end the game.