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Deck orders for Pokemon Battle Academy 2022

Shadow369108 Member Posts: 2
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I am a new parent to Pokemon and I really upset and aggravated. I am finally starting to get the hang of it through Battle Academy but I need to practice more and I can't find the order of the cards for Pikachu, Evee, Cinderace.

I am ready to cry and it is ridiculous there is a not a listing somewhere of the order and the fact it has taken me half an hour to try to get to this point in order to ask the question because I can't find it ont he website and no live customer service I can talk to...

Please someone help me!!! My kids love it and I am trying very hard to learn the ropes



  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
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    I am happy to try to assist you, but I’m not sure what you mean by “the order of the cards.”

    Do you mean you need to know how to find the order you placed to buy the battle academy (off of Amazon, Pokémon center, etc.?

    Do you mean you need to know the deck list of each deck?

    Do you mean you need to know how to buy more Pikachus, Eevees, and Cinderaces?

    Do you mean you’d like to order a Battle Academy?

    Or is it something else?

    If you let me know I will do my best to help! 😀

  • Shadow369108
    Shadow369108 Member Posts: 2
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    Thank you so much for responding! It means the world to me. We played Pokemon Battle Academy with Pikachu Evee and Cinderace. The cards fell on the floor. I want to put the full decks back in their original order so we can play again and practice. Does that make sense?

  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
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    I am not 100% confident of this but do the lower right or left corners show symbols of a pokemon with a number on them out of 60? if they do, that is the order of the decks

  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
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    actually, check ****. that has the list of the cards in order

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
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    The lists (I will send images of the deck lists separately but they will have to go past the filter so it will take longer)


    Pokemon - 21

    1 Turtonator

    2 Victini

    3 Larvesta

    2 Volcarona

    3 Vulpix

    2 Ninetales

    1 Cinderace V

    4 Sizzlipede

    3 Centiskorch

    Trainer - 21

    2 Energy Retrieval

    4 Great Ball

    4 Hop

    2 Pokémon Catcher

    1 Potion

    2 Switch

    1 Sonia

    2 Bug Catcher

    3 Shauna

    Energy - 18

    18 Fire Energy


    Pokemon - 22

    4 Galarian Zigzagoon

    3 Galarian Linoone

    3 Carvanha

    2 Sharpedo

    2 Darkrai

    3 Zorua

    2 Zoroark

    1 Eevee V

    2 Galarian Obstagoon

    Trainer - 20

    4 Great Ball

    4 Hop

    2 Switch

    1 Sonia

    1 Piers

    4 Bug Catcher

    1 Cook

    3 Shauna

    Energy - 18

    18 Darkness Energy


    Pokemon - 22

    2 Yamper

    1 Boltund

    1 Pikachu V

    4 Blitzle

    3 Zebstrika

    1 Zeraora

    1 Morpeko

    4 Shinx

    3 Luxio

    2 Luxray

    Trainer - 20

    4 Great Ball

    4 Hop

    2 Potion

    2 Switch

    1 Boss's Orders

    1 Sonia

    1 Energy Recycler

    2 Bug Catcher

    3 Shauna

    Energy - 18

    18 Lightning Energy

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
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    The online generator I used for the Eevee deck did not recognize and therefore did not include Galarian Obstagoon’s promo card featured in the deck, hence the caption.

  • Yank0998
    Yank0998 Member Posts: 1
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    hi, i have a question. I recently bought the battle academy deck set with cinderace, pikachu and eevee. I redeemed the code into tcg live and it shows me like the whole pilachu deck is banned in standard. Can someone explain why?

    Also, is it legal to play in tournaments with this batlle academy set?
    thank youuuu

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
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    Okay, the entire Pikachu deck (minus a few trainers) has “rotated.” Here is the official Pokémon article on the 2024 rotation:

    TL;DR: Only cards with the F, G, and H regulation marks are currently legal, not cards with the D and E regulation marks.

    Unfortunately, because all of the Pokémon and a majority of the trainers from the Pikachu deck (and the other two decks as well, actually) have D and E regulation marks, they are no longer playable in standard format, whether it’s on Live or at in person tournaments. Switch, Great Ball, Pokémon Catcher, and one or two other trainer cards are still legal because they have been reprinted with F, G, or H regulation marks, so even though you are not playing the new version of the card, it has the same effect as the old one, so old editions of standard legal cards are legal for the standard format.

    Hope this helps!

  • BadlyDrawnGirl
    BadlyDrawnGirl Member Posts: 1
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    I need the order too.

    we bought a battle academy for her Birthday and like and ADD kid she dove in and shuffled the pack.

    We cannot find anywhere the ordered the cards are stacked in to follow the tutorial. It's really frustrating.

    You'd think TCG would included an image of the order of play as you walk through learning how to battle for the first time.

  • MoonduckPsy
    MoonduckPsy Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments 5 Agrees First Answer Name Dropper

    There are numbers on each of the decks as to the “order” of the decks for absolute beginners. These numbers are outlined on the bottom right portion of the card. 1 goes on top of the deck, etc. But “if you’re ready to play on your own, you can shuffle your decks and follow the full setup rules in the Rules Reference.” (P. 14, Battle Academy)