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mystery dungeon part 11 (Draft 3) true cannon version

clasingla Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
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Chapter 11- Uxie's Final Direction

Leo and Mirage were still in great shock that Growlithe's real name was Lilly.

"Oh, about that…, I know that Lilly doesn't really like to be called her real name, though I knew that if I didn't say her name, this world would become like many others. I am preparing you three for a journey that will engrave your name through history. Though that wasn't your guy's original goal was it?"

Mirage all of a sudden, broke the trance, snapped at Uxie "Thats not very kind of you Uxie, saying Growlithe's name out of the blue."

Lilly sighed, "Don't get upset Mirage, Its completely fine. I guess I should have told you my name earlier, I do very much consider you friends. but… sigh, I am named after my mother, I really didn't know much about her, but of the few times I do, I treasure those memories greatly. I might just as treasure all the memories that we've made as friends. So-o-o-o I think its time that you should be able to call me by my real name."

Mirage then responded "That's good to hear Growli… I mean Lilly. Uxie, I do have question to address, because I'm still confused. Engraved in history? World become like what? Uxie what does this all mean?!"

Uxie calmly answered. "I will explain and answer your questions in due time. For I have but a little time left before the same fate befalls upon me as your parents. Yet how much I want to tell you everything, I fear of breaking a promise I made long ago. For the thing that you are trying to stop could, if I fear correctly could end this world."

Leo then chimed in "Well then we will do anything, to save this world! I know that we have been through so much. There is no turning back now, well we've already made it this far. I won't give up."

"I know your courage Leo, but to encounter and face the situation now would be a naive move to make. It would not be at all of your best intrest. This predicament can't be stopped easily, a task that I am putting on your shoulders. I am trusting you with this endeavoring task, for all that I can do is that fate is on your side." Uxie took a short break than continued, "Mirage to explain what this world might become I need to explain mystery dungeons."

Mirage asked "How do mystery dungeons even play a part in this?"

"Well Mirage mystery dungeons are the fragments of worlds destroyed, worlds which the heroes failed to save from catastrophe. The dungeons formed of where the final showdown took place, the battle that ended up in defeat, that worlds last hope at surviving. This strange power give mystery dungeons life, a life that not even I who knows so much things that It could be considered all things. This life controls those illusionary husks it shaped off the fallen heroes of its world. When this life force inside the mystery dungeon has sent all the defenses it could, it starts taking matter into its own hands. They create an ominous force with a mysterious power, a power that if you are exposed to long you wake up just outside the mystery dungeon, a voice in your head a scream for help. This was the final word, the final breathe, of that world spoken from that heroes mouth. If what was said came to pass in our world… both Mirage and Lilly will have forms created of their like to walk as mindless, illusionary husk, protecting the dungeon of the remaining fragment of this world."

"What about me? Would mindless Chikorita's be walking around as dungeon defenses?" Leo asked

"Leo you might have the worst fate, a permanent, looming feeling of failure. For if you were to fail this world, you'll wake up in your world only to realize that you lost all you've loved in this world. You would lose all willpower and trust leading you down a path of darkness. A path… a path that will lead you to do something evil, a goal to end the world. No matter how close you get to your goal you will be stopped by a 12 year old. " Uxie then finished "So here's what I ask of you, make sure this world doesn't end."

Tears started to form in Leo's eyes, he didn't want to go down that path. He took a breathe "I won't fail, Tell me what I need to do."

Uxie then took a deep breathe, "You will need to go back to Breeze Town there will be a rescue mission at the Abandond Garden mystery dungeon, you will need to take that rescue mission."

Lilly then started to cry "There of all places, I remember when that mystery dungeon formed. Me and my dad where visiting my moms grave. The ground underneath us shook and raised, all of a sudden we were at the top of a mystery dungeon. My dad immediately sent a rescue request, hoping the dungeons pokemon wouldn't attack us. A few hours passed when finally a rescue team of which had a Hisuian Zoroark, a Zoroark, and a Dragapult came and rescued me and my dad. Ever since that place became a mystery dungeon we couldn't go and see mom's grave It was just too dangerous."

Mirage's heart skipped a beat. 5 days before her parents disappeared, 3 years ago, they told her a new mystery dungeon popped up in the area, and they accepted a rescue mission within that new mystery dungeon. "Lilly how long ago did this happen?"

Lilly took a breath and said "This event happened 3 years ago."

Mirage's heart sank, that rescue mission was her parents last completed mission before they went on that rescue mission of which they never returned from. "Uxie how will Breeze town even react to us coming back? Don't they think we are the cause of the disappearences?"

Uxie nodded "They did; that is why I sent Azelf to clear your name, yet I forbided him from revealing who actually did it. Which for the very same reason is why I'm also not telling you." Uxie then sighed, "I must now leave you with a final goodbye for its best you go teleport back to Breeze Town."

Leo, Lilly, and Mirage understanding what they must do, took their rescue badges and pressed the button as they faded into light right back to the Expedition Headquarters.

Clodsire was sleeping at his desk, Mirage walked up to him and tapped him. "HUH! WHO'S THERE! Oh hi Team Hopefinders, I didn't expect you to come at 2AM. Well good news for you Azelf cleared your name, though there are definitely some people in town who are still skeptical of you, yawn most people have moved on and trying to figure out who else to blame. Cutiefly was pretty flustered that it wasn't you three, you should have seen her face when Azelf came into town. Now since I explained mostly everything I think its best that you should get some rest, that's what I'm doing anyway."

Meanwhile while Team Hopefinders were asleep.

"Uxe why did you call me here? You said you needed to tell me something important?"

"That is correct Mesa, I can't tell you much though next time I host a meeting you need to be 10 minutes late."

"Uxe that is so unlike you! You tell us to be on time every meeting."

"Mesa I know that what I said may sound weird, you just got to trust me."

"I trust you Uxe, even if it's unusual I know that you see something I can not. I can feel how strongly you feel about thi………….."

"STOP TALKING AND PREPARE FOR YOUR DOOM FOR I AM TELILAH! THE LAST NAME YOU WILL EVER HEAR." Standing next to Telilah was a white ball energy started bursting out of this ball.

"Destruction Is Imminent, Life Must Be Destroyed, Activating Wipe Out."

As Mesa and Uxe were disappearing, words came out of Uxe's mouth, "You will be stopped TeLilah I believe it with every inch of my body." The voice that once was Uxe's faded til it was no more.

