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pokemon mystery dungeon adventure part one

clasingla Member Posts: 3,527 ✭✭✭✭✭
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help if you want i kind of want this to be more of a longated story

young leo was just enjoying his day in the world and was about to go to bed leading him to the adventure of a life time he then heres a sound he is in a strange place and there is a voice that says may i ask you some question leo's memory is foggy but he says yes i am the voice of life said the voice huh said leo leo was confused but continue can you ask the questions the voice then asked you are presented in a dangerous swamp but with a treasure in the center what do you do leo then said ha thats easy i go straight toward the chest the voice then asked some supsicious looking person offers you candy what do you do leo snickered and said i would take that candy question after question after question was thrown at leo until one more question was asked someone told you the world was going to end in five seconds what do you do leo responded wait your saying im dead the voice said you are the naive type you easily fall for things and believe every and all things told to you you are easy to be taken advantage of leo was about to call the voice a lier but he started to get more foggy brained and fell into a petrified state when leo woke up he realizes he is in a place that he has never seen before all of a sudden leo realized that he was famished and was quenched for water he then saw a lake he decided to go take a sip a reflection emerged from the water i reflection he didn't recognized he know it wasn't for him because he was human wait what did he even look like the only things that leo could remember was that he was human and that his name was leo he knew that he was not a chikorita wait a chikorita leo started to scream that echoed far and wide he then heard steps they were from the bushes they were rustling closer and closer leo didn't even have time to react when all of a sudden a hisuin zorua was on top of him and said what did you do to that person who was screaming shocked leo responded i was the one that was screaming hisuin zorua responded by this place is dangerous there is a mystery dungeon near here i will navigate you to breeze town

