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Mystery Dungeon Story Part 9.5

clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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Chapter 9.5 - The Lake Trio Meeting

"We have gathered here today to discuss a major problem at hand."

"Uxe what is it this time. Last time we had a meeting the world was in danger."

"Be calm Azul, yes the world is in danger again, yet I am conflicted in a decision."

"It has to do with that human and Hisuin Zorua, doesn't it?"

"I hoped you couldn't feel that Mesa, but if I said no I would be a liar."

"You feel bad about something, don't you Uxe. I can tell you have tons of mixed feelings and confusion."

"Well it was something that happened around 70 years ago… There was strange occurrences happening, whole towns and villages disapearing, people going missing without a trace, everything was chaotic."

"Uxe is the Pecharunt story? We've already heard it THOUSANDS of times."

"Be patient Azul you've only heard a small part of the story." Uxe sighed then continued "After a while pokemon started to worry if friends and families from those villages would ever return. Sometimes in those dark moments a spark of hope can light a castle. That spark of hope was an escapee from the recently attacked Ember Village a Growlithe by the name of Eli. He witnessed the destruction of the village he called home."

"Though how did Eli even spark inspiration when his story is so somber?"

"Mesa you need to understand Eli was the only survivor from the attack, showing that there might be others just like Eli, pokemon who need saving. An inspiration so powerful that the Expedition Headquaters was started by a brave, inspired Lucario by the name of Ri, rescue teams started to form, villages and towns started to fight back from attacks, yet that was not enough, and at best just slowing Pecharunt down." sigh "I am going to skip some parts for both mine and Mesa's time is limited, and if I can't explain the important parts, any chance that Leo and Mirage has at succeeding goes away."

"So Uxe, what is going to happen to you and Mesa?"

"Azul, Pollen and TeLilah are coming, they are the ones who want the destruction of the world."

"Who are they, you expect me to know I'm the being of willpower not knowledge, cause wait hmm… THATS YOU UXE. "

"I apologize for not being as clear as I should have been Azul. Pollen is a crazy Cutiefly and TeLilah was the once guardian Tapu Lele."

"What happened, and did Tapu Lele ever get replaced?"

"TeLilah turned against the other guardians and started to attack them, wanting to take control of the magical stones they were protecting. The other guardians stopped her putting her secretly in excile, and striping her of her powers, preventing her from having the stone. Magearna soon replaced TeLilah as the protector of the pink stone."

"Uxe you said we have little time left, should we be informed of the rest of the story?"

"OH RIGHT! I completely lost track thanks for reminding me Mesa. … One month later a young Sprigatito by the name of Tommy, who at the time was on a solo rescue team went to check the recently attacked Waterfield town for survivors. He ended up getting lost in the woods and stumbled across an unconscious Mudkip. Tommy started to pull the Mudkip on his back to carry her back to the Expedition Headquarters. The Mudkip started to gain conscious realizing she was being cared jumped backed and screamed, she then saw some water her screams getting louder "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME." confused Tommy asked her what happened when the Mudkip finally calmed down. "My name is Jane, you probably think I'm crazy but I use to be a human." Tommy responded "A human? What in the world is that? Well, I'm taking you back to the Expedition Headquaters, if you want you could join my team." Tommy said. So then Jane joined Tommy's team."

"So how were you involved Uxe? So far to my concern, it's all been about Jane and Tommy."

"Azul I was about to get to that part, just let me continue. The Pecharunt problem started to get worse and Jane and Tommy didn't know what to do, so they set on a journey to find the rumored Memory Lake, where Uxie "AKA me" resides. I knew that there was two ways I could act for them to have a chance to succeed. The first option had a 74.35% success rate while the other a 12.09% success rate, though the higher success rate was the option I choose, I gravely regretted that decision, I was selfish I cared more about the protection of the world than the hero's happiness. I am presented with a similar decision today for Mirage and Leo."

"Uxe there is something more to this isn't there, I can just feel it."

"Mesa that's correct 5 years after Jane left this world Tommy ventured out to find me. I originally thought that he came to ask to be reunited with Jane, though he had something else in mind for the first time ever he said something that shocked me, a scenerio that I couldn't even predict."

"Uxe that's CRAZY! You know everything, for something to be unknown by you would break reality!"

"That's because it did Azul, He made a promise in these exact words, "Uxie, I know you thought I came to see if I could be reunited with Jane, yet I know thats not possible. Uxie, I want you to make a promise with me, a promise that I know could possibly break reality, but I want to try. sigh… I want you to if ever encountered with, two new hero's make sure that they can be reunited at some point in time. I don't want someone to feel the pain, the same pain I've felt, a pain called longing and lonliness. A pain that was there before Jane and only returned afterword. Jane made a promise to me, a promise I vowed to keep. No matter how many days and nights pass, no matter where or how I'm in danger, remember sob we can push through anything. We would be there for each other. Except we weren't, but I know both of us tried are best, though we are separated by time, space, and reality. I feel… NO I KNOW! That she still remembers the promise she made to me that night she left. This is how I'm keeping that promise." Reality broke at that very second, making me feel inclined to keep this promise. Which is why this choice was so hard. … I have made my choice; I just first have a favor for you Azul."

"What is it Uxe?"

"I need you to go to Breeze Town and tell the citizens that Mirage and Leo were not behind the disapearences. Also mention that I told you that information. If you may excuse me Mirage, Leo, and Lilly are almost to the top of memory lake, it would be awkward if I wasn't there. I bid you a long farewell Azul."

"I will go." sob


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    any suggestions

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I feel like you give too much information at once. You should leave some parts of the story in this part to be told later on. This chapter is kind of hard to understand because of how many new things are introduced all in the same part (Pollen/TeLilah, the full story of the previous heroes, TeLilah's story and that the Tapus are protecting magical stones, a few more things).

    Other than that I don't have any major complaints, this is a big improvement from the first time we were told Pecharunt's story.

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
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    gasp! Pecharunt????? Are you following the story I made up???

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited September 2024 #5

    i was trying to solve the problem of giving out information to fast

    i was also going to give info about the pokemon in the mystery dungeon but I forgot to and plus it honestly wouldn't work smoothly with the transition of this meeting

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I’ve been wondering should I redo chapter 1 and 2 since they really didn’t fit in with the style and more so an early work that I feel could do better for improvement (I’m definitely not trying to postpone part 11 cause I don’t know what to do)

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    should I do a chapter 1 remaster

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
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    Maybe redo this one first while you can edit and find a way to not have like three stories in one. The part about mudkip being a human seems to detract more than help. Maybe make that a stand alone adventure in another thread.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
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    i feel less invested with all these new characters.