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mystery dungeon story part 15

clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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chapter 15 - Where There Is Hope And Heartbreak

Leo finally fell to the bottom of the falls he knew he didn't have much time left. Leo got up from the ground, then he immediately tripped. He then remembered why this was the case, he was pushed into the evolution light and was forced to evolve. He then realized this was not the time to dwell on that thought. He quickly got to his feet and started to head up the mystery dungeon again. He realized it would take too long to go and traverse the dungeon. Remembering that Mirage kept a emergency supply of pure seeds in the bag he used those to quickly get through all the floors til he made it to the top.

"Took you long enough to get up here Chikor—I mean Bayleef." Tapu Lele started to laugh maniacally "I find it so amusing that you would still try to stop me, even knowing that I'm a legendary. Well never mind that it's time to say your farewell." Tapu Lele released a Moonblast which Leo was barely able to avoid. Leo retaliated by using Body Slam which Tapu Lele gracefully avoided and countered with a Dazzling Gleam. Leo was blown back by the critical hit that was dealt. And retaliated with Razor Leaf catching Tapu Lele off guard. Tapu Lele then used Natures Madness, Leo tried to avoid this attack but he only tripped and fell getting hit head on but he would not give up. He aimed an Energy Ball at Tapu Lele again catching her off balance. Leo then used Vine Whip while Tapu Lele used Psyshock. Sparks flew across the falls as these two fight. After fighting without stop for 20 minutes Leo was weak and finally out of reviver seeds. "You were more of a pest than I realized. Too bad for you that you are about to lose." She charged a Moonblast then released it at Leo. Tapu Lele then heard a whisper.


"What was that weak noise?" Tapu Lele wondered.


"Again, what was that weak noise?"

"NO! This isn't over yet I will save my friends." Leo got up and aimed a energy ball at Tapu Lele. Barrages of Vine Whips and Razor leafs came soon thereafter. There was no room for Tapu Lele to respond. Leo finally used Body Slam, Stopping Tapu Lele from moving.

"I guess the tables have turned naive Bayleef, but I always had my final gambit." Tapu Lele then dived into the disc powering it up with a white glow.

"Only Need 1 More Power Source Looking… Looking… Naive Bayleef Found You Will Be Final Energy Source For Destruction." The disc released a burst of energy touching Leo.

But Nothing Happened. Leo started to walk closer to the disc. "Must Be Error Refiring Beam." The beam again touched Leo.

But nothing Happened. The Disc started to go crazy. "How Can Naive Bayleef Be Immune To Destruction."

Leo then smiled, "It's because I have hope to find a better future, It's because I got friends that I'd risk my life to be able to save, It's because I have a reason to protect the things I am willing to protect. Plus I am not naive, I am loyal. Loyal to friends whom always got my back, and I always got theirs. This world is worth saving and if that means stopping you then I will do that." Leo inched closer and grabbed the disc with his two front legs.

"Let Go Of Me! I Should Have Made You Disappeared." Leo then chucked the Disc into the light. A voice came from the light.

"Would you like to evolve?"

Leo quickly answered before the disc could process what was going on. "YES!!!" As he said the light intensified, and the disc started to release lots of light so much light that it blinded Leo. After the light started to dim Leo could make out a stone. This stone was pink and very smooth he picked it up and put it in the bag. Leo then turned around and saw Lilly, Mirage, Pollen, and Tapu Lele on the ground. He rushed over to Mirage. "Mirage are you okay?"

Mirage was shocked at what she saw. "How do you know my name?" A realization soon crept into Mirage's mind. What she saw was a Bayleef, Chikorita's evolve into Bayleef's, Leo was a Chikorita, Leo was pushed by Pollen into the evolution light, Pollen forced him to evolve. All of a sudden she hugged Leo "You did it Leo, didn't you?" Mirage realized she just gave Leo a hug. She never gives anyone hugs her heart was beating 1000 beats per minutes. She did not know what she was feeling.

Lilly was starting to get up and saw Mirage blushing while a Bayleef was acting all confused. She decided to go and ask the Bayleef if he has seen a Chikorita. She started to walk over when the Bayleef said "Hey Lilly, are you alright?" How does this Bayleef know her first name, she only knows of 5 people who know it. Her Dad, Mirage, Leo, Uxie, and Clodsire.

"How do you know my name?" Lilly asked the Bayleef. Still having no clue who he was.

"Lilly its me, Leo!" that's when the same realization that hit Mirage hit Lilly. Leo was forced to evolve, though she still had no clue why Mirage was hugging Leo.

Leo was glad to see both Lilly and Mirage were okay. But he was confused why Mirage was hugging him but it didn't bother him to much. "Hey Mirage? I think we should probably bring Pollen and Tapu Lele to the authorities."

"Oh… Right." Mirage sounded disappointed she didn't know why. They finally caught the two people who completely ruined her life… or her old one at least. She didn't want to end the adventuring that she had with Leo and Lilly. I mean what was next they finally stopped the disappearances and caught the culprits. Its not like these two would be going anywhere anytime soon, she could still go on adventures with them. Mirage and Growlithe worked together to carry Tapu Lele while Leo carries Pollen.

All of a sudden a voice came inside Leo's head "Congrats on saving this world, tomorrow morning you will be brought back to your own world for your task here is done." Leo recognized that voice, this was the same voice that first called him naive at the begging of his time in this world. He only had until morning to say goodbye to everyone but first they needed to take Tapu Lele and Pollen to officer Magnezone's. While Mirage was turning in the two criminals to officer Magnezone, Leo started to talk to Lilly.

"Hey, Lilly goodbye." Leo said

"Why are you saying goodbye? We are going to see each other tomorrow right? Right?" Lilly questioned

"That's the thing Lilly, the same voice that sent me here is saying I'm going to return back to my world tomorrow morning. These are my last hours in the world before I go back home. So yes this is my final goodbye." Leo looked serious the most serious he had but despite that all he looked somber he knew that this is hurting them as much as it is hurting himself. He never understood why he should leave a world that took his heart as much as this. He didn't understand why he had to go back but all he knew was that he was going to in the rare case he liked it or the more common case he did not.

Mirage finally stepped out of the building with the biggest smile on her face. "Guys Magnezone just said that he saw my parents return! I'm going to introduce you guys to them!" Leo had no time to react he was already being dragged by Mirage even though he was heavier than her. Lilly followed them soon afterword. They finally got to Mirage house. Inside was a Hisuian Zoroark, a Zoroark, and a Zorua. "You've grown so much since we've last saw you Mirage, and who are these two pokemon with you?"

"Mom this is my rescue team, the Bayleef's name is Leo, and the Growlithe's name is Lilly." The Zorua saw his sister blush when she was mentioning Leo, but decided to keep silent as to not embarrass Mirage. Instead he started to snicker at Mirage.

"Void why are you snickering at me?" Mirage asked shocked.

"Not much really for being gone for multiple years, its just an observation I made that I'm snickering at." Void sneakily replied "Hey Mirage let's have some sibling bonding time and catch up over the past few years, also Mom, Dad, make sure the guest here are well set its getting late and these guest may need some sleep."

Leo didn't get time that night to say goodbye to Mirage, so he decided to write a note "Dear, Mirage," no that was too formal "Hey, Mirage" that was way to causal he couldn't do that "Mirage I need to tell you something." So far he liked that, he continued writing the note tell right before sunrise. He left the note on the bed and put his name on it. He then opened the door and went outside but little did he know he was being followed.

When Mirage heard the door open She decided to follow the person. To her surprise it was Leo she continued to follow Leo until he stopped at a small grove. This grove was not just any grove but the exact same grove when Mirage first met Leo. She couldn't help herself and cried "Leo why did you leave the house."

Leo turned around to see Mirage "Hey, Mirage I came from a different world you knew that too, and I am being taken back to my world this morning rather I liked to be or not."

"But, why? You've helped me through so much, you've helped me find hope, without you there would have been no Team Hopefinders. It will not be the same without you."

"Mirage I will always treasure my time with the team and will miss it so dearly you and Lilly were my friends. If there was any time in my life that I would treasure the most it would be my time with Team Hopefinders."

"But Leo, Friends Don't abandon each other, why are you leaving this world, why are you leaving me?" Tears started to form down Mirage's eyes.

"Mirage, no matter how far space, time, or reality takes me you will always be my treasured best friend. Don't forget that Mirage, remember the day you first encountered me?"

"Yes, I clearly remember that I instantly accused you of causing someone to disappear back when you were still a Chikorita. I didn't really trust you back then."

"Ouch that hurts a little, but besides the point is that when we met during that point of time we formed the greatest friendship out there, later adding Lilly to that group of friendships, we could talk about anything together, we knew that we got each others back, and if I can find a way to come back I will."

"Is that a promise?" Mirage asked.

"It is a promise, I bid you farewell Mirage." Leo started to turn into particles of light.

"Leo, I love you." right when she said that the last particle of him turned into light.

Hey Uxe here, This is the end of the main story of Leo if you wanted to know what happened to Leo after he leaves the world well, first he talks to Jane his grandma, which if you haven't already figured out was the hero whom stopped Pecharunt. After explaining his longing to her about going back to that world she explains to him about the mythical pokemon Jirachi or as I call him Jeracho. So he went on this long epic quest and after 6 month finally finds Jirachi and makes a wish to go back to the mystery dungeon world. When he comes back he is greeted by everyone including Mirage and Lilly. 10 years after he comes back he Marries Lilly and have a child, a Hisuian Zorua named mist who is in fact a shiny, and is very boastful about that fact, even starting a shiny only team with only her and the only other shiny in the town a shiny Snivy named Razor which has a twin brother whom is always jealous of him. So if you have any questions about this story that you would like to be answered let me know.

