mystery dungeon story part 14

chapter 14 - The Final Breeze
"Are we too late? Has everyone already disappeared?" Lilly said in a weak voice. "Are we too late to save everyone Leo?". Team Hopefinders have been in Breeze Town. Mirage voluntarily went to search for any survivors.
"Lilly its not to late, we will not give up hope for the sake of both of our worlds." Leo said, though inside he felt more scared than Lilly. For he knew from what Uxie said if he failed this world it would forever haunt him. Though despite all that he knew he had to hold on to the little hope that he had. Thoughts started to flood his head of all the adventures of Team Hopefinders, Adventures where they didn't give up hope. All of this made him smile, "Lilly we've always maintained hope no matter what the challenge is in front of us, I know these last few days have been rough especially for you after your father protected us from disappearing." In the distance Mirage came walking towards Leo and Lilly. "Any luck?" Leo asked.
"Leo just like here there is no one in any other part of breeze town. Though I did find this note from Cutiefly addressed directly to us." Mirage responded. "Though I don't think we can trust anything that it says in this note after are last encounter with Cutiefly."
"Well we should read it anyway, even if its a trap it is the only sure way of finding out her location, and the only way to save everyone." Leo had a serious look on his face. "If it is a trap we will be prepared to stop it." Leo then looked straight at Mirage. "Would you read the note for us?"
"OK." Mirage pulled the note out of the envelope and began to read.
"Dear, Team Hopelosers
Do you know what I find funny? How lucky you where to escape me multiple times, or almost getting the truth about me exposed. Why you were running getting lost in the forest Me and Tapu Lele wiped this town clean of people providing almost enough energy for the orb to wipe the world. But yet that's not what I find funny. What I find funny is that the last survivors of this town is a little Growlithe who is dependent on her father, a naive Chikorita who thinks he was a human, and the most funny a Hisuian Zorua whom thought it was possible to bring back her parents from disappearing. Well if you guys want to play hero as "Team Hopefinders" saving a worthless world I'll let you fools do that, while I laugh in the background seeing how you struggle and watching you fail.
Well I guess before you guys disappear I should at least tell you why I targeted your parents first. Your parents rescue team group was called team DZZ which you already know since the two Z's were your parents Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark, but to me that was not the important one to me the story begins with D or Dragapult. Back when Dragapult was a Dreepy me and him wanted to start a rescue team. We were about to start one when two lovebirds called Willow the Hisuian Zorua and Shadow the Zorua invited my friend Dreepy to start a rescue team with them. Before doing that though they went to the place where pokemon evolve Levo falls. After this betrayal I felt that this world needed to be done away with, that's when I met TeLilah or as you call her Tapu Lele.
Tapu Lele was just excommunicated for trying to steal the other stones that the other Tapu's guarded, not only losing her position as a Tapu but also getting replaced by a artificial rabbit called M-Gear model 9A or more commonly referred to as Magearna. For a few years Tapu Lele and I plotted how to steal back the magical stone from Magearna which took longer than we anticipated. After finally getting the stone we extracted its powers and made a lifeform which we called the disc.
We decided that we should test the disc power for revenge on those two losers which were your parents and that promise breaking Dragapult. The problem was is that we couldn't predict what mystery dungeon they would go in. After a while an opportunity showed itself a new mystery dungeon appeared so Tapu Lele and I waited for them to come to that mystery dungeon, and we didn't have to wait long. As Team DZZ went inside we slowly followed them making sure we were far enough behind them where they could not see us. After they rescued poor lil Growlithe and her father we came behind them and let the disc consume them. Tapu Lele and I decided that we had to lay low to make our plan successful. So I pretended to be a citizen of Breeze Town watching for good targets to make disappear and for ones that would be good for accusing like you fools. So if you little hero's want to stop me, it will end where it all began. See you at Leva Falls.
The most strategical villain of them all, Pollen the Cutiefly."
"Why did Cutiefly have to write her whole backstory in this letter? It was waaaaay to lo-o-o-ong if she was just going to tell us that she was at Leva Falls." Growlithe whined after feeling like it had been an eternity since that letter began.
"Wait?" Leo then paused. "What is Levo falls?"
"I should probably explain this to you Leo, there are a few dungeons that at the end of them have places where you can evolve. Levo falls is one of them. These evolution dungeons are some of the most safe dungeons around with relatively weak enemies and very few floors making them accessible to most pokemon that meet evolution requirements." Mirage explained to Leo.
Leo was still curious about evolution "Hey Mirage why don't most pokemon go to evolve then?"
"Well you see evolution is a painful process which takes some endurance and a lot of pokemon don't have that endurence leaving them to scared to even try." Mirage explained
Team Hopefinders quickly made it through Levo falls and where at the top but there was no sign of Cutiefly or Tapu Lele. Leo Wandered if they went toward the shining light and started walking in that direction. All of a sudden a Pollen puff hit Leo and knocked him right into the light causing him to fall. But this fall was gradual like it was being slowed down for some unknown reason. A voice came over as he started to fall "Would you like to evolve?". Leo was about to answer no when a voice from the distance called out.
"Yes." Pollen said. She walked out and revealed herself but it wasn't the Cutiefly she was but now a full on Rhibombee. "I guess it's a 2 vs 1 now." She snickered, and aimed a bug buzz right at Lilly. Lilly dodged it and retaliated with a flamethrower. Pollen dived down under it and used acrobatics on Mirage. Mirage jumped out of the way and used shadow ball. Team Hopefinders and Pollen kept trading off attacks.
As the fighting continued Leo started to glow. He started to fill immense pain his head started to stretch out, his mouth started to get wider, his feet flatter, tail longer, the buds around his neck started to form full on leaves, and his leaf grew longer and a bit more withered away. The pain finally stopped and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was his friends and Rhibombee fighting, but behind them was Tapu Lele and the Disc. From there he saw Rhibombee maniacally laughing and the disc starting to glow. In a burst of light all 3 of them were consumed. Leo was now more determined than ever to stop the disc.
Cutiefly's backstory shouldn't have been a singular paragraph. Also, you forgot a few commas and used the wrong words a few time (like in the beginning of Cutiefly's backstory, you used "where", like the word you use when asking about a place or location, instead of "were", the past form of are. Or "why", like the word used when asking for a reason, instead of "while", as in the word used between two things happening at the same time).