Poppy's age
Last time I checked when it comes to Paldea's elite four. The steel specialist, Poppy, looks like a kid. Many don't know about her age but she looks like a preschooler no more than 4 or 5 years old. That's really contradictory as the minimum age to be a pokemon trainer is 10 years old.
Will Pokemon Quest EVER see an update?
I play pokemon quest a lot and its a favorite game of mine, but I wish it could be updated. I've seen China get things like gen 2, multiplayer, etc, and I wish at least some kind of event or new Pokemon/island things could happen. Underrated game in my opinion
Pokémon Unite Squad EmeraldHugs
Hi, I hope this kind of post is allowed here. I made a Unite Squad so I can get the goodies! Here's the code: #4YHPY04X Its called EmeraldHugs Key Values of EmeraldHugs: Transgender friendly. For having fun and getting squad goodies. Not focused on winning. A fun match to chat about is the best. We gather for our love of…
CODE 6678
Pokémon 7th Gym Challenge from the Pokémon Community Forums
Arlo woke up. He yawned and rolled out of bed. That felt less nice. "Ouch..." His alarm had gone off an hour ago, but he had had a rough night yesterday on his way to the 7th Gym, where Gym Leader Noah was in charge. He stumbled to the bathroom, sighed because of his bags under his eyes and started brushing his teeth…
Which Starters in the series do you like most?
For me, they're all really good in their own ways, performance and styles. Though they all share the same Grass, Fire and Water elements, some of them look really interesting, like Piplup, Snivy and Fennekin for instance. I chose them in the core games I played so far in my checklist, and I always let them evolve to their…
competitive teams
I need help with tournaments pls😿
I need competitive team ideas
I am trying to beat Wolfey vgc
Does anyone have time to get into th union circle with me? (Pokémon scarlet)
I just need one person
Pokemon Crystal
I have a pokemon crystal Version for gameboy, with logo 2002 What ist price for this?