What's the best signature move (I only know so much so bear with me)
If More Pokémon had Signature Abilities
Scovillain: Two-Sided Description: When this Pokémon is damaged by a move, either its Attack or Defense is sharply boosted. Tyranitar: Terraform Description: All Normal-type moves become Rock-type moves. The power of those moves become boosted a little.
If More Pokémon had Signature Moves Part 3
Orbeetle: Abduct Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Type: Psychic This move allows the user to steal one of its opponent’s moves. This move will be replaced with the stolen move, but can only work if the opponent has more than one move in its moveset. Houndoom: Witching Hour Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Type: Dark This move gives its…
If More Pokémon had Signature Moves Part 2
Alolan Golem: Galvic Geodes Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Type: Rock The Pokémon launches electrical rocks at the target. This move is also Electric type, and will paralyze the target. Clodsire: Acidic Mud Power: 65 Accuracy: 90 Type: Ground The Pokémon launches mud filled with acid at the target. This may either poison or badly…
Who is AZ?
AZ is that character of Legends Z-A, right? But he also appeared before that. Who is he?
Let’s misspell gyarados!
I’ll start Gawadoz
If More Pokémon had Signature Moves
Bombirdier: Boulder Drop Power: 100 Accuracy: 90 Type: Rock Description: The Pokémon drops boulders on the target. If this Pokémon is holding a Hard Stone, the move’s power is doubled, but the user’s accuracy lowers. Haunter: Ectoplasm Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Type: Ghost Description: The Pokémon hurls a poisonous liquid at…
Malmars ability
So i had a shiny malmar for ages but i recently foun out how broken it is contrary flips stat changes so -attack is actually +attack and vice versa malmar naturally learns superpower so a 120 base power tera fighting that adds attack and defense each time used is broken this pokemon has a lot of unised potential
How has Kyurem not fallen over yet?
Like, seriously. This thing is bipedal, yet it somehow has the body of a quadruped. Its entire body is located at the back, but at the front you just have this super long neck with the head just sitting there at the end. Like, if this thing ate a Dachsbun (which according to folklore, it WOULD do if given the chance),…
Tera Raids
I just like got 7 spicy herba mysticas from a breloom raid. I didnt know that was possible!!