Just some funny Pokémon nicknames!

Hello everyone, I'm back after a couple of months. I haven't posted on the Pokémon forums in a while, but I thought it would be fun to share some funny Pokémon nicknames with other fans. For example, I have a Floatzel named Floaty, a Mudbray named Bronco Billy, and two Dragonites named Aston and Martin. You might recognize the reference there! I also have a Primeape named Optimus, which I like to call Optimus Primeape as a pun. Those are their nicknames in Scarlet and Violet, as well as Sword and Shield, from Paldea and Galar.
I named a rillaboom the last name of my favorite drummer (Breckenridge, from Riley Breckenridge, drummer for Thrice), I named my incineroar John Cena, I named my toedscuel toadetter (It is a girl), I named my smeargle Bobette (It is girl), My starter quaquaval Quackster, and my blaziken Popeye. I have more, If you would like to hear them.
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I've been giving funny names to the legendaries I've been catching from dynamax adventures in shield.
I named Latias and Latios after me and my younger brother even though Latios is technically the older brother of the duo. The Tao Trio are just "Lord" and then their name after.
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I just made a document containing a bunch of my other nicknames
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I remember seeing an online battle and someone named their noivern Kanye East I have two Cinderaces named Ronaldo and Messi
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"Like come on man you're not gonna let me meet your Noivern named "Kill" that knew Tackle when you beat the champion?"
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I usually call Togekiss "berb" or "birdie" with some other bird Pokémon. A shameless excuse to mention the time my dad was convinced that Togekiss was an airplane.
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I just named my Galar Weezing Smoky.
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Giving all my Pokemon titles is always fun! I like to send out Sir Chonk the Sleepy!