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Just some funny Pokémon nicknames!

TheTrueMicro Member Posts: 33 ✭✭
10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes 5 Agrees

Hello everyone, I'm back after a couple of months. I haven't posted on the Pokémon forums in a while, but I thought it would be fun to share some funny Pokémon nicknames with other fans. For example, I have a Floatzel named Floaty, a Mudbray named Bronco Billy, and two Dragonites named Aston and Martin. You might recognize the reference there! I also have a Primeape named Optimus, which I like to call Optimus Primeape as a pun. Those are their nicknames in Scarlet and Violet, as well as Sword and Shield, from Paldea and Galar.

