Pokemon Cozy style game
Theres been many styles of pokemon games yet. But we have yet to see a cozy one. Like imagine living life as a pokemon with a trainer. You and your pokemon mining or fishing together how cool and relaxing would this be?
The Pokémon sports teams
Choose a team for the sports they dhow
Should I get shiny charm?
I want to do DAs to get shiny necrozma and kyurem Dex isn't too full but I can transfer from SV Only problem is I would need to take one of 3 Zamazenta from Pokemon GO Is it worth it?
Sword and Shield Porygons
I am currently completing my pokedex in pokemon home. I'm in need of a Porygon2 and Porygon-Z originally from the galar region. I have porygons ready to trade/trade back with the correct items I just need someone to trade with me please. I'd your willing to help, hit me up
Pokémon day special even do it's past Pokémon day
Choose a Pokémon to pair with a holiday
Pokemon AZ Battle System Issue
Simply put, we do NOT want the trainer to be in the battle. Trainers should not be standing right next to the pokemon as a flamethrower comes your way. Let us instead control the pokemon themselves. The ability to control the movements of the pokemon directly is the dream of all pokemon fans anyways. ♥ Please don't ruin…
New language in Pokémon
Hi, I would like to talk about a new language that could be included in the Pokémon games, which would be the Portuguese language (both from Portugal and Brazil), we had a Pokémon region inspired by Portugal too(Paldea), and recently, they announced the arrival of Latin Spanish, and I would like to talk here about…
Pokemon Starters Prediction for Z-A
I doubt I will guess the exact starters, but I want to predict which generation will be in Z-A. I bet they will do a Galar starter. Possibly Scorbunny as Cinderace was pretty popular. Next for the water type could be Piplup. For the grass starter Bulbasaur. The gen 1 starters already appear so much so I don't think so. If…
What’s Up With Quasartico Incorporated?
Besides having possibly the longest organization name in existence, something doesn’t sit right with me. Not to mention the ominous music at the end of the trailer. Something else is going on here.
Pokémon I Eventually Found What They were Inspired By
Magcargo = Scaly-Footed Gastropod (Volcano Snail) The volcano snail lives deep in the ocean inside volcanic vents because of its incredible endurance against heat. Magcargo is Fire/Rock type, but it should’ve been Fire/Steel when I found out volcano snails make their shells from iron sulfide, meaning volcano snails have…