Idea for sv
The spheal line should be added
Which Pokemon would be best for food service?
Let's say Pokemon can have jobs, which one would be best for food service, whether it be cooking, waiting tables, cleaning tables and seating guests. I think Chansey could be good for waitstaff, and a couple firetypes could help cook food.
Does anybody play PoGo
If you play Pokemon go and want new friends this could be a new discussion "room"
Worst Team/Villain
Not worst as in most evil, worst as in which one sucked the most.
Would u Survive St. Patrick's edition
This year's Pokemon Day's going in my direction
This year's Pokemon Day has already been interesting enough as this year I feel like it's turning in my direction already. Pokemon Legends Z-A's battle gameplay started to move from nearly 30 years' worth of the turn based gameplay to more action based combat, Pokemon Horizons moving forward without Liko, and that's just…
If Pokémon Evolution Methods were Easier
We all know about sucky evolution methods that tick us off, such as trading, or for these specific Pokémon: Runerigus, Palafin, and Melmetal. I have ways of fixing those problems. Gengar - Haunter at level 45 Conkeldurr - Gurdurr at level 50 Basculegion - White Stripe Basculin at level 40, but only when everyone else in…
Pokemon Legends Z-A Heralding the beginning of the New Era
After seeing the 2nd trailer for Pokemon Legends Z-A. It's more than just getting excited over From the shift from turn based battles to something more action based to means of catching wild pokemon, especially horde battles. That and the return of mega evolution. Which part of the game are you excited about?
Forgotten Game: Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee
A remake of Pokémon Yellow, these two games are the first mainline Pokémon games to be introduced on the switch in 2018. Meant to bridge Pokémon GO with the mainline games, it brought forward a catching system that was very similar to Pokémon GO and allowed for two players to play on the same console at the same time. It…
Your favourite Dragon-type Pokemon?
Dragon type is one of the 18 elements, and an ultimate one, too! ^^ There are quite a few dragon Pokemon in the series so far, both regulars and Legendaries… What would you say is your best favourite? Me, I like them all on same level, including Dragonite I have in my avatar. He is cute and potent (and not to mention, has…