Would u not survive?
The next installment of the legendary series! This is asking u the question who would be most likely to end your life.
Mystery Pokémon Riddle part 14!
what pokemon am i describing with this riddle? I can go the future, but also to the past, my ??? Is gigantic, i can deal a big slash. I can tell you my color pattern, slightly different shades of grey, and the last thing i want to tell you, i’m a little shay…
What is your favorite region?
(Everything in the region, all it's games, Pokémon introduced, general plot, characters, so on)
Z-A Prediction
Just something I just thought of. What if…the missing dragon-type Eeveelution perhaps debuts in Z-A??!! Because Z-A of course takes place in Kalos and Sylveon debut in X/Y, so there's a possibility. We could come up with concepts, because we here at the forums like brainstorming. I've also made a bug-type Eeveelution and a…
Pokemon x and y
How to trade pokemon in x and y with people after servers shut down?
New what starter would you eliminate
Instead about eating pokemon this should be about what food and or brands do you think a pokemon would eat for example imagine a houndoom just waiting in line (or going ahead) to get a costco hot dog
Pokemon home Reverse transfer to switch to 3ds/ds
Dear Pokemon Company I have ideas of how to make pokemon home better. First add a feature called backward transfer for example trade treecko from switch games to 3ds and ds games. Second thing is if you complete the story of any pokemon ds, 3ds, or switch game you can have a wallpaper to customise your pokemon home…
Never played a Pokémon game in my life, where do I start?
I've loved Pokémon since I was a kid, I loved collecting cards and buying merch but I've never actually played a Pokémon game. I recently decided I wanted to try one out but I don't know where to start so does anyone have any recommendations? I have a Nintendo Switch, if that's any help to narrow down options. I heard…
Pokemon go friends.
@UnovanZorua I have Pokémon go and if you have it can you add me as a friend on Pokémon go? My trainer code is 892882603711
Forums Gym Chapter 9th Gym
Dark type 100 pokemon 9 student team