Trading Card
Hello i new player. I have card for trading: 1 star - Gloom/Lapras/Serperior and i need other 4 diamond - Machamp ex/Moltres ex and i need Exeggutor ex/Mew/Yanmega ex/Wigglytuff ex 3 diamond - Golem(Mythic)/Magnezone and i need Greninja/Kabutops/Malmetal/Bastiodon 2 diamond - Druddigon/Regirock and i need Tentacruel/new…
Looking for Magneton (Apex)
Looking for Magneton (Apex) For trade any of these: Butterfree Beedrill Blastoise Vaporeon (Apex) Zapdos Mewtwo Nidoqueen Nidoking Mew Tauros Raichu (Mythical Island) IGN: Kuro3rd Friend ID: 5254674772699322
Gyarados 4-star
Hey, looking to trade, need a Gyarados 4-star (never pulls 😪). Have plenty of others willing to trade for.
Need Charizard and Golem genetic pack
I have exta mewtwo, ditto, wezzing, poliwarth 3 diamond IId: 3992353735671409
Hi, I need Blastoise EX, Aerodactyl EX and Machamp (not ex) I offer: Charizard EX, Pidgeot EX, Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX and Pikachu EX My ID: 2928898300182970
How do I restore my account?
I cleared the cache in settings. After logging in again I can't restore the profile. I don't have a nintendo profile and the email says there is no data
Anyone else having ridiculously bad luck with Wonder Pick?
Normally I don't vent about things not going my way. I know to at least wait for the "Law of Averages" to swing back in my favor... but at this point, I'm really starting to question if odds are being skewed. I have been playing this game, actively every single day, for about 90 days now. I figure that the average number…
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Need Zapdos
I need the 3Diamond Zapdos Cards I have to offer: Alakazam, Greninja, Gengar, Kabutops, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Volcarona, Mew, Tauros
Trades For Card Needed
Friend code: 1760399145643863 TheWalrus927 Need: Pidgeot EX Can Trade: Charizard EX, Starmie EX, Moltres EX, Gengar EX, Marowak EX, Wigglytuff EX