Moltres ex
Looking for moltres ex, i have charizard ex for trade
Aerodactyl Ex
Hey. Need just one Aerodactyl Ex. Write please down what you want in exchange for it with your friend ID and i send you the card. Thank you. My ID : 2578278325963688
Is Pocket any Good?
The title says it all: is Pokémon TCG Pocket any good? Is it fun, or does it just feel like a money grabber?
Need 4 diamond Articuno EX
I am willing to trade the following 4 diamonds: Venusaur EX Exeggutor EX Arcanine EX Moltres EX Pikachu EX Gengar EX Mewtwo EX Celebi EX Aerodactyl EX Gallade EX
Looking for Pachirisu EX
Hey, I'm looking for Pachirisu EX. EX available for trade: Venusaur Charizard Arcanine Pikachu Celebi Pidgeot Mismagius Gallade Darkrai Dialga ID 7221-2541-5187-0593
LF YANMEGA EX and GALLADE EX I have multiple darkrai and dialga up for trade, as well as other ex mons. Let me know what you need in return. My ID: 8714-0852-8026-6728
LF Weavile EX trade :D
Good morning, Wanting to repost this since the new patch added Weavile EX to the trade roster. I'm happy to trade other same rarity cards for the little dude and full art is totally not mandatory.
Need Garchomp EX
Need a Garchomp EX Can trade Yanmega EX, Dialga EX, Lickilicky EX, Pidgeot EX, and Celabi EX. ID is 4183271073368751
Need Yanmega EX
Can only offer Palkia EX 0919240048444000
Trade Agreements
I think that can be useful, seen the structure and mechanism of trades, start a discussion where players can write which type of cards want and which cards they can offer. For example I'm searching for Marowak-Ex, Starmie-Ex and Pidgeot-Ex. My ID number: 4691981445708923