Need Rhydon, Brock, and Onix
Building a new deck to test out. Need the following: 2x A1 150 - Onix 1x A1 224 - Brock 1x A2 081 - Rhydon I have an ungodly amount of 2-star cards that I can offer. Just let me know what you're after. Player name: friggins Friend code: 4232-9043-8133-1525 Be sure to include your player name when replying so I know who the…
Dialga EX FOR Darkrai EX
hello I need a Dialga EX I’m willing to trade Darkrai EX please add me and send offer here’s my friend id : 9367520026311825
Looking for Bastidon.
Looking for Bastidon. Name you price. I have too many duplicates to list. Thank you.
LF Mismagiu ex - Have: marowak gengar celebi pidgeot wiggly charizard starmie palkia
0254 0928 8918 5461
Let's be friends on TCG Pocket! Friend ID's welcomed!
Hello, I'm new to this but here's my ID 8754-6351-8950-8659
Anyone willing to trade Magneton/Magnezone?
I need two Magneton holos from Genetic Apex, and one Magnezone from Space-Time Smackdown to complete my deck. I'll give you what you want if I have it. Pls give me a trade offer soon My ID is 5118-7275-5860-1252
Looking for Rampardos
I am looking for a rampardos card My id: 3058729712947965
Need Pidgeotto ex
hi all need a pidgeotto ex, giving a celebi ex . It is the only card I need for my collection of mystical island Also looking for pachirisu ex and infernape ex but would prefer the pidgeotto Player Id 2711-8830-5416-3487 thank you!!
Does anyone have any one of these Articuno Alakazam Machamp Nidoqueen to trade me
Is it just me or does it seem like the only way to have success in this game is to dump a ton of money into this game? Or maybe I just suck at the game LUL who knows but I can't seem to win more than one game before I get destroyed in the next five…