Trading request: Blastoise EX
Hello! I'm seeking a Blastoise EX for trading. My friend ID is: 2562198042718613 I have an Arcanine EX, Zapdos EX, Exeggutor EX, Pikachu EX, Charizard EX, Mew EX, Marowak EX, or Celebi EX to offer!
Looking for Exeggutor EX and some 3 diamons
Hi! I'm new here, so basically I'm looking to trade Exeggutor EX, I can offer Gengar or Arcanine EX. I'm also looking for Victribel, Lapas and Articuno (3 diamonds) and Snorlax, Porygon (Full art 1 star) If there's anyone interested please reply to this post and I will share my IDs. Thank you so much in advance ;)
Can we get a full art Prof. Oak in the store?
Card is a staple in all decks and love the way the full art Trainers are looking. Don't do my dude dirty.
LF: Melmetal Greninja
I am looking for Melmetal and Greninja from Apex I have every rare from Genetic and Island up for trades. my trainer ID is: 5405019124754413
Looking for ◇◇◇ Nidoking.
Hi, i'm looking for ◇◇◇ Nidoking. Please send me your requests. 1124027780104468 nicmos
prm pass price?
why poland got the most expensive pricing? vpn needed?
LF: Misty and Khangishan
I have lots of dupes to trade for Misty I have vaporeon ♦♦♦ for the Khangishan I need 1 copy of Misty and at least one Khangishan
can offer .moltres ex .pidgeot ex
I'm looking for 036 Charizard ex from genetic apex I have some EXs to give ID: 2647128360685579
LF: Vaporeon and Articuno EX - GEN APEX
What I Need: Vaporeon #80 / Articuno EX #84 all GEN APEX Let me know what you need! Cheers