Looking for one star Lucario and Charizard EX
I have a bunch of different one stars to trade like Manaphy and have different exs to trade for Charizard like celebi ex, starmie ex, Darkrai ex, Palkia ex!
Need Trade
Looking for: 3 diamond Magneton from Genetic Apex I can give you any 3 star diamond yow want. Player id: 5492758718884038
Looking for charizard ex
Decent amount of cards please let me know what your looking for 8079701091978472
Looking for arcanine ex or/and charizard ex
I can give moltres ex, starmie ex, machamp ex, gengar ex
Im looking for a magneton, i give anything u want
Need Aerodactyl Ex
Hi guys, i really need the Aerodactyl Ex to complete my deck. Tell me what u need in exchange. Id : 8283 3534 5240 0267
Anyone got Gyarados 1 star I’ll trade for any one star or one star wheezing ( I got like 30)
LF Starmie EX and 3-diamond cards
Hi guys, I need Starmie EX ; Exeggutor, Blastoise, Vaporeon, Raichu, Ditto. I can offer Blastoise EX ; Vileplume, Eelektross, Nidoqueen, Serperior, Vaporeon, Mew, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros. Please tell me which card u need and giving before trading. 9906-6241-7950-9136 Gannar Thank you ^_^
Can you trade the new spacetime smack down cards because all mine are locked??