need aerodactyl ex from singular island
i got a lot of exs so ask for whatever you want
Need a Celebi EX
Atemm friend ID-8424171006012457 Title- can trade mew or mewtwo EX
Trading Required - Need a 1 Star Bidoof, a 1 Star Rotom, or a Weavile EX.
I can offer quite a few Pokemon, please let me know what you need and I will check.
Trades needed mainly Space-time Smackdown
Looking for (English only please): Yanmega EX Darkrai EX Pachurisu EX Gallade EX Glaceon Prinplup Golem Genetic Apex Voltorb Genetic Apex I have dups of many of the Genetic Apex EXs, just ask and I'll let you know. Also have an extra Lickylicky, Mew and Celebi.
Need 2 MONFERNO card (2 diamond)
I will also give a 2 diamond card if I have it. So the card will be given according to the discussion followed
LF Space-Time Smackdown Cards
hey I need the following cards from Space-Time Smackdown: Pachirisu EX (060) Leafeon (020) Kirlia (069) Rampados (089) Lmk what you need! My ID is 6695472836266528 Thank you!!!
Do you think Irida is a balanced card for this game?
Personally, I think Irida is very strong for a 40 unit AoE heal on the board. What do you think?
Looking for: Koffing, wheezing, tyranitar, larvitar, or pupitar
I can trade Darkarai X, eggsecuter X, whatever just let me know!
Looking for Celebi Ex
loooking for Celebi Ex can trade Gallade eX Gyarados eX 8634708328111553
LF Exeguttor EX
Need Exeguttor EX Can Give: Mewtwo ex, Venusaur EX, Celebi EX, Starmie EX, Dialga EX Friend ID 2003539133322638