Does someone have a spiritomb 1 star? If yes reply on which card you would like to trade for it 0923313397194379 my id for request
@crissjtiu Do you have bastiodon, torterra or mamoswine? If yes I'll trade! 0923313397194379 my id
@Xavytheman Can I have the dragonite 1 star for the wheezing?
@MConnell6 I'll trade a shaymin for bastiodon, torterra, mamoswine 0923313397194379 my id
It's no exaggeration that 7 out of 10 of my matchups are Darkrai decks right now. It has gotten really stale really fast. I'm getting ptsd flashbacks of peak Hogrider. I think I'm gonna sit pvp out for at least a couple weeks.
Guys Does anyone have a spare bastiodon? I'll trade a mespirit for it 0923313397194379
please let me know I have alot of good cards
Need Celebi EX, Darkrai EX and Weavile EX I have about nearly every EX in the game except these three and looking to trade
0923313397194379 my id for trading