Scambio carte promo
Buongiorno, è possibile in qualche modo recuperare vecchie carte promo? O per lo meno poterle scambiare.
Looking to trade my extra EX (and 1-star) cards
My cards: Marowak, Mew, Lickilicky. Looking for: Arcanine, Gyarados, Celebi, Articuno, Exeggutor, Pikachu Also looking for 1-star Weezing. Got tons of 1-star Serperiors and Lucarios to trade off.
LF Weavile EX in TCG Pocket
Just making a fun chip damage deck and would be happy to make a trade for a Weavile EX. Got alot of cards to offer of equal rarity. Doesn't have to be Full Art either. (b*,*)b
Trading for a couple cards
hello to all, im currently looking for some cards. im willing to trade i have some really rare cards that i wouldn't mind trading up if its worth it. the following cards im looking for: 1 Basic Weezing with the ablilty. 2 Darkrai Ex 1 Gengar Ex my in game name if someone wants to add me is Mr.PokeNoob,
Looking for a simple Full Art Eevee
I have a full art Porygon, Shaymin, or Slowpoke to offer. Thanks so much.
Looking for Arcanine EX/Golem genetic apex
Looking for Arcanine EX And genetic apex Golem Here's the cards I can offer for Arcanine EX: Charizard, Lavados, blastoise, Marowack, Zapdos, Pikachu, Mewtu, Machamp, Aerodactyl Cards I can offer for Golem: Charizard, Arcanine, Lavados, Victreebell, Venusaur, Vileplume, Exeggutor, Lapras, Vaporeon (both versions), omastar,…
Why can't i name a deck "weezing & scolipede"?
title. i counted the characters and it doesn't exceed the limit even with spaces so i'm not sure why this deck name is blocked? is there a secret slur in it or something???? I also tried flipping it around to "scolipede & weezing" and that didn't work either.
I would like to trade for a Moltres Ex in Pokémon Pocket.
if anybody would like to discuss terms on trading then just let me know. I’ve joined this community just to have people to talk with and discuss about trading for cards im not pulling.
Looking for ♢♢♢ Cards A1/A1a
Hi ho, I'm looking for these cards: A1 #020 Victreebel A1 #045 Flareon A1 #122 Gengar A1a #014 Volcarona I could trade for you: A1 #055 Blastoise x2 A1 #079 Lapras A1 #089 Greninja A1 #132 Guardevoir A1 #182 Melmetal A1 #188 Pidgeot A1 #205 Ditto x2 A1 #211 Snorlax A1a #026 Raichu A1a #031 Mew A1a #047 Marshadow My…