Questionnaire Gives 401 Unauthorized Code
Does anyone else have an issue with the questionnaire link in the news section? It doesn't redirect or go anywhere and just offers a 401 code. On Apple I-phone btw if that's relevant.
Enable 120Hz on devices that support it
First off, thanks for giving the option between 30Hz and 60Hz! But there are a lot of devices now that support 120Hz, and supporting that would be awesome.
Can't access the game
Only two days ago I was opening boosters without problem, but now launching display shows that access to the game restricted in my country. Why?
Taggable wonder picks
It would be really nice if i got to tag a few pokemon and if they show up in wonder pick i get a notification, checking every hourish is a little tedious
Buy packs without affecting the time limit
Is it possible to buy the pack DIRECTLY, rather than playing with the time limit? Some players have voluntarily calibrated the time limit to open their 2 (or 3) packs when they wake up, or at night before going to bed... HOWEVER, if you want to open packs OUTSIDE this time limit, it just shifts your routine (because you…
Pokeball not giving a new card, just shuffling deck
ive had it in two battles, using the pokeball will shuffle my deck but not give me a new card..
I had been experiencing a lot of opponent concede due to bad initial deck. But however the points is not awarded only the winning stat is added. Could you please allow the 3 points to be awarded to the winner every time his/her opponent concede. a lot of your player base will be concern of there stats in game. most…
Binders and Displays Cases thumbnails should put the cards front and center
The main point of Binders and Display Cases is to show off the cards, right? So isn't it rather counterintuitive to put the Binder/Display Case's background type as the front and center image of their thumbnails in the Community Showcase screen? Meanwhile, the actual cards that should be shown are instead relegated to a…
[Suggestion] Dark mode and some battery saving ideas
The first thing that comes to mind about this game is that it needs a dark mode for its UI. Currently, everything and everywhere is in fullbright light color, which starts to hurt my eyes after playing for a while. Implementing a dark mode would be a great improvement, and it could also help save battery life. On the topic…
Turn timer needs to pause during battle animations
The player's turn timer keeps on ticking down even when they're not in control, during animations such as placing a card on the field, activating Trainer cards, attaching Energy, switching Pokemon, evolving Pokemon, activating Pokemon abilities, and coins flipping after the player flips them. The few seconds each animation…