Weakness doesn't apply to benched pokémon
Weakness currently doesn't apply to benched pokémon. For example Blizzard from Articuno ex does 10 damage to all benched pokémon as well, it would be nice if weakness actually worked on that as well
Going First is simply worse than going second
There are literally 0 advantages of going first, only disadvantages. Going first should, at the very least, let you play an energy but even then its probably still not good enough since going second can attack. Being able to give 1 energy is a must, but maybe even letting the first player draw an extra card would be ok to…
Please change the sound effect for Energy regeneration
When I played the game, I kept hearing this sound that sounded like someone was moving heavy furniture in another room. Problem is, I live alone. So where the hell is the sound coming from? It took a while but I eventually noticed that I only hear the sound whenever Energy is generated at the start of each player's turn in…
Would simply always alternating energy types for multi-energy decks be broken?
Do you think simply alternating energy for multi-energy type decks would work? In practice all I feel that this would do would make more decks viable. There are already so many coin flips in this game does what energy comes next really need to be? They must have thought of this solution before (as it’s really not…
Show me the gold
No where in the Ui does it show how much gold I have. Pokegold is the premium currency in the game and I have to search in the items section to find it. Pokegold should be visible in the main screen and the pack opening screen
Various feedback
Here are some of my suggestion/feedback for current content based on playing for limited time during soft lunch. Easier crafting - allow players to craft cards easier by adding craft button when viewing card Pack point exchange filter - add filter similar when creating decks so it is easier to navigate to cards you want to…
Small UI changes
I wanted to give a bit of feedback on how to make the UI better. First, I thought about having a little heart notification over the Wonder Pick button on the main home screen that could show up whenever there's a wishlisted card available. Second, I'd like to ask for a counter that would show the daily limit for getting…
Going second
Going second gives player too much advantage.
Limits of Solo Play
Like some others, I have been playing a lot in the last 24h. The thing is, there needs to be more things to do. Once you understand the mechanics and have a good deck, all AI missions are easy. I am now only missing those that need a minimum rarity to complete. The acheivements are meh at best, and ai matches brings no XP.…
Is zebstrika supposed to have the weakness +20 applied when attacking?
Zebstrika's move is 30 damage to any pokemon, but weakness +20 is applied to the active pokemon and not applied when attacking a benched pokemon. Is this correct?