QOL Feedback Requests

Booster Pack Selection:
It would be nice if we were either able to set a default booster pack to appear on, or if all boosters could be chosen from the same location rather than defaulting us to the newest expansion's boosters. This is fine in theory to be the default for new players, but the process of backing out two screens and having to choose another expansion (and then scroll within that expansion) every time your stamina refills is tedious and unfun.
Search Functionality:
The search feature UI needs a few tweaks. The "Search History" gets cluttered immediately with tons of dates, which are not useful information. The search history, when shown, should instead of showing dates, show the selections we chose to filter from, and we should be able to favorite those filters to quickly access what we searched for with one button press.
Clicking hide on "Search History" needs to be a permanent hide, not just for that session, similar to other innate default choices that reset to default rather than remain as what the end user wants it to be. Pokémon Go does this well with their search features; take inspiration from them in this regard.
Card Dex View Options should remain permanently enabled after selecting them as well, as the default of being off is again, fine, but having to scroll all the way down and click both radio icons every time I do a search is just more offputting tedium to an otherwise well built system.
Deck Slots:
15 was fine in the beginning, but with the release of a new expansion looming, it is necessary to upgrade the number of decks we can save. Rebuilding decks for challenges and having to remake decks to PVP due to this limitation is unfun. Most deck building games allow us to import/export decks, and while that functionality would be nice, it is far more to implement than raising the number of decks able to be saved is. Eventually, though, it would be nice to have an import/export feature that saves art styles/flairs/deck box/the whole nine yards, but in the interim, simply giving us more slots would be nice QOL.
Deck Building:
If I change a single card in my deck (no matter what the card is), the game will automatically add energy of every available color to my energy zone. This is fine default behavior for initial deckbuilding, but after I manually remove the energy the first time, it should not force itself back into the energy slot. Allow us to either lock the energy slot permanently so we can change a card without it ruining future matches, or disable this default behavior after a deck has been saved one time.
That's all for my thoughts on what could make this great game an even more enjoyable experience; I hope this reaches someone who can make magic happen. <3