The trading system is atrocious
It's awful, I get that you guys have to make money somehow on an app but this is straight terrible. What's the point of calling it a TCG when you de-incentivize your players from trading?? The whole point was for us to collect and connect with others and to trade and you guys somehow made it the exact opposite. The stamina…
Please Reduce Trade Costs
It is completely impractical to have to burn around 5 duplicate EX cards for a single needed EX, especially since you need cards left over to then go through with the trade. It would also be very helpful to suggest what card you want so trades are not mostly declined and waste time.
Who is this trading system even for?
Currently, the trading mechanics seem skewed in a way that benefits neither the whales, who have ample resources, nor the free-to-play players, who are resource limited. The reasons for which have been discussed a million times over in this forum so I won't go into them. From my own experience as someone who has invested…
Genetic Apex missing?
I had 1250 pack points I was going to spend on a Full Art but now the pack is gone. How am I supposed to spend it now?
Trading is entirely useless
I was looking forward to the trading system because I’m still missing the promo Butterfree from Lapras (despite pulling over 40 packs when that promo was running) but it is impossible to obtain now. I was also looking forward to trading one or two of my 4 crown Charizards for other crowns or 3 stars since I obviously don’t…
The new trading system is horrible
Exactly what the title says: who at DeNa thought this system would be good for anyone at all? Extremely convoluted AND expensive on top, yet without being useful for people who actually spend a lot of money on the game (why trade cards when you already have all of them?). Practically throwing away 5 (Five!!!) EX cards for…
Atrocious and heavy handed trading system
As a player who has played pretty much every day since launch, it's pretty ridiculous to implement a system that both alienates f2p and whales alike. In an alleged attempt to prevent misuse of the game, Pocket erred on the side of greed at the expense of player experience. Just because "that's how it goes" in gacha or…
Mismanaged Trading System
It deeply saddens me that a game revolving around collecting, playing and trading my childhood Pokemon card games has such a horrendous trading system. It doesn’t help the 2 main factions of player base: F2P players would benefit from a trading system where they can complete a competitive deck via trading the missing one…
Trading seriously needs a rework
Complete overhaul of price or even currency is required, you are going to lose money. Don't be silly.
Trading bonuses
With the release of the new packs, the devs have now given to the players 500 trade tokens and 120 trade hourglasses. This was more than likely already planned, and even if it was not and they are now just trying to compensate the players for how terrible the system is, this is not the way at all. I'd much prefer a message…