Called Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, but you cannot trade??!!
This new trade system is completely broken! The whole idea of this game is trading.. I mean it's in the name of the game!! But they don't want you to trade, make a broken greedy system and call it a day! People playing this game want to trade with their friends, like real life TCG… Why prevent us from doing so??
Pokémon TCG Pocket's trading system puts kids at risk
The current trading system forces players to find trade partners outside the game, leading children to seek strangers online. This opens the door to potential scams, grooming, and unsafe interactions. A simple fix? Let players suggest the card they want instead of just offering one. Then, friends within the app (added via…
Not much of a TRADING card game…
I’ll start by saying that I am a completely free-to-play player. When I started playing this game, I was impressed by the way collecting was handled. It didn’t require players to spend money in order to get the majority of the cards, like you might see in some other tcg games/apps. In fact, if I remember correctly, when…
I routinely whale on packs. Why can I not trade my 2 stars?
I continued to spend on packs because I was promised trading was coming. Four 2 star Sabrina. Three 2 star Erika. Zero 2 star Blaine. "It's okay though, trading is coming". Why would I continue to spend on Charizard packs when all I need is 2 star Blaine? Why would I not just simply trade for it? My extra copies of 2 star…
This trade system will kill the game
This trade system generates more frustation than joy. The feeling of discarding precious cards to have points to trade is awful. Because of this, in the long term people will look to the game with regret of having discarded too many good things, increasing the loss of players, killing the game. The system should change to…
Get rid of Trade Tokens for Shinedust
It makes no sense to burn rare cards for Trade Tokens when we could use shinedust. I have so much shinedust and nothing to use it with. Shinedust becomes more useless if I have to use spare cards to get Trade Tokens. It's an easy fix to this terrible trade system.
New trading system is very very bad
the new trading system feels like it’s ripping the players off and tricking them. It’s a flawed system and is very bad. Why is it so complicated to do a trade and why do I have to destroy so many cards just to trade a card I want with my friend? It’s a pathetic new system and it must be changed immediately. Why can’t I…
If you could change one thing about the trading system, what would it be?
The verdict is in. Trading was implemented in what seems to be the worst way possible. With a devastating cost just to make star trades and no way to even see what you're trading for, This is without a doubt, the worst implemented feature in the whole game so far. That being said, if you could change only one thing about…
99.9% of the player base being punished because of the 0.1% feels ATROCIOUS and DISAPOINTING
Restrictions are obviously in place to fight people that perma bot account in order to chase cards and trade them to themselves. But in the process it screw the ENTIRE PLAYER BASE because of the A FEW. This is NOT how a trade system is made, dusting this many cards in order be able to trade is quite simply not worth it. We…
Deck Limit Increase
they should increase deck limits to 25-30 now that they’ve introduced so many cards and variations. 15 feels very restrictive, especially when there’s 8-9 different types overall. And it shouldn’t be that difficult to increase the memory for people to have and create more decks.