Delete Turn 1
The general consensus is that going second is always better. This is probably because a lot of the more casual, non-meta decks benefit from going second, as compared to the faster or more meta-competitive decks like Misty/Articuno and Pikachu. Mewtwo's whole gimic is overcoming the lack of starting energy with Gardevoir. I…
Bluetooth Bug?
I just had a versus battle where I ended up losing a turn because the app closed and wouldn't reopen until I wne into the settings and force closed it. The only outside factor was I had just turned my car on and the Bluetooth on my phone connected right about the same time.
Bug: Cubone's growl attack not working properly.
I was battling a computer player and a real player online, while using my fighting type deck I used Cubone, who is weak to grass meaning he takes plus 20 damage from grass type attacks. My opponent in both cases were using an Exeggutor EX which has an attack that deals 40 damage and another 40 of they flip heads. I used…
Report button please!?
We need a way to report inappropriate names in pocket I battled someone recently that was able to use inappropriate words in there name by using special characters allowing them to bypass the filter similar to how the é in Pokémon.
Freezing my phone
Everytime I open a pack it either freezes or glitches. This only occurs when I play this game specifically. This bug is really annoying cause I would have to reset my phone manually.
Sleeping Pokemon Glitch
There is a glitch (or gameplay flaw) which allows pokemon you've put to sleep, to ignore the sleep effect and still use abilities. A sleeping pokemon can even you to sleep. Obviously this is not how sleeping works. Please fix this. Thank you.
Bug: Deck Energy type is modified without asking player
I have lost more than a few games now because of this bug- please fix it and hire me as QA. Deck Energy type is modified without asking player Steps to reproduce: 1) Save a deck that has cards of two different energy types (water cards and psychic cards), but set the energy type to only one of them (water) 2) Go to edit…
1- Allow to give energy to pokemon on the first turn without attacking: everyone knows that being the second to play is a HUGE advantage, you get to place energies AND attack first. A way to balance this is giving the first player the energie advantage while keeping the second player the attack advantage 2- Daily missions…
Unopened Genetic Apex Booster Card Pack while closing app
hi there I have a question what will happened if I open the Genetic Apex Pack while closing the app I might be worried losing my new cards might be unopened and lose XP I don’t know if it’s on recent card deck that were unopened it might not show up that’s all I got to say From Renat Salakhov
#1 remove concede!!! It is very annoying to win by default cuz some (noob) cant handle losing, its a Pokémon game you cant run from trainer battles. #2 add a sound board of selected sounds in game to be able to change the notification sound. (ex.) Pokémon's cries, theme song segments/ catch phrases (I wanna be the very…