Pikachu or Charizard
Which V union card is best?
Been playing with mewtwo V union deck ideas and greninja V union. I’m liking the mewtwo much more. It’s faster to get into play, and psyplosion can win you the game in a single turn if you’re careful about how to distribute damage. Also are zacian V union, pikachu V union, and morpeko V union decent in current meta and…
Hey yall I've been building towards Sander Wojcik's Mewtwo V-Union deck (with Refinement Kirlia for consistency and card advantage) from Stuttgart because the concept of V-Unions feels super fun and fresh to me. It's been slow work gaining credits lmao. The deck is super fun conceptually but I find it takes a bit too much…
How to get V Union cards?
I'm new and I have been looking for a way to exchange my currencies to V Union cards, at least to know how much I should save to collect them. But I can't seem to find the answer to this in this forum. Strange that nobody ever asked about this. So how can I make a V Union deck?
Top off meta decks
Wanted to get some feedback on which decks you guys currently think are the best off Meta decks. To clarify I mean decks that aren’t the most OP or played very often but still very competitive in the current Meta. I personally really like lucario V and aerodactyl V turbo deck. I love it cause it’s fast and helps to get the…
IMO.....Epic Fail!@
Im so bummed about having to migrate to the new TCG Live, honestly im mad. Why did they feel the need to rush this release so much that Standard is the only format option for a deck? What was the reason for the rushed release? Ive lost so many cards and feel that they basically turned their back on some of us older players…
I'm surprised how well I've been playing with Dracozolt on the ladder. I'm averaging 5/10 Here's my Dracozolt deck (Based off of Tricky Gym's deck) 4x Dracozolt V 4x Dracozolt VMAX 4x Next Ball 3x Capturing Aroma 4x Pokegear 3.0 4x Lucky Pops 2x Sweet Honey 1x Pal Pad 4x Path to the Peak 4x Full Face Guard 4x Cheryl 2x…
Hi, just migrated over to the new pokemon TCG live and a lot of my cards have been banned or illegal
Just migrated and all my old decks aren't playable anymore? Is it because there are new bans on certain Pokémon cards? or is it where they wont be like this when the game actually releases? So all of my decks that I used on the old TCG, aren't playable anymore? Basically, is this something new or is it where the cards will…
The game needs a change
I played the Pokemon Card Game Online before the switch and I liked it better honestly. In this new one it just feels like Pokemon with abilities have gone too far. I'm actually falling asleep waiting for my opponent to nerd up and copy the Beaver flame meta or whatever other broken ability deck that's out there. It's just…
Is it possible to export decks from tcgo to tcgl if you copied them before you moved to tcgl