Tranfer amd import
I am not able to have acces to any of my deck from the other version and I mossed a lot of card and can’t go to the old one anymore. It’s so frustrating any ideas?
Does anyone know why alot of cards are being banned?
It's cards from every deck I have. The ones I checked are the decks I usually use and the banned cards are all from the pokemon sword and shield versions....
Meta after the rotation
With less than 2 weeks until rotation, what will you play after the D block rotates out, and the new SV cards come in? Personally, I am very excited to play Miraidon ex and Gardevoir ex, seems like the biggest contenders out of the new cards. Of course, most meta decks will stay meta, one deck that will really fall seems…
What is the official day "D" cards are no longer standard?
Hello. Is March 31st the day D's are no longer standard or is April 1st the day D's are no longer standard? Thank you have a good evening.
there’s a new nonsense in town and it’s weezing & lost zone
I woke up, logged in and everybody even beginners are playing galarian weezing / eternatus / lost zone . like how you all gather them so fast . Is there any pay to win way to get cards that I dont know of?
EVERY single person plays Archeops and Lugia VStar decks!
Please, something needs to be done. I have faced zero people who play a different deck. Some of the other Pokémon shuffle out, but they never leave the bench anyway because it’s just a Lugia VStar with two Archeops’ on the bench. I just want some verity… please.
STOP Players from closing the app when they are about to lose
I was curious if anyone has figured out a way to not lose a match when the opponent is losing and is most likely going to lose, closes the app and as a result the match basically is frozen. when you go to refresh the app immediately it docs you 20 points. Has anyone else run into this problem?
TCG Live deck
Looking for a decent gengar vmax deck any help please
Y'all need to stop with this Lugia/Blissey nonsense
Seriously, I kinda expected this deck to appear at the start but to eventually fade away once people realized how bad it is... but it's still here for some reason. The cards really don't make sense together. I understand why you'd think that they do, but there's not really enough synergy. One card wants energy in the deck,…
Just got the Lugia v alternate art from silver tempest and cant put in any decks why is that.