Best Deck for Beginners
Here is the decklist for my personal favourite deck that I myself have honed and perfected with cards which are really easy to get for complete beginners..... Pokémon: 10 1 Snom SHF 29 1 Lotad EVS 32 2 Sobble CRE 41 1 Frosmoth SSH 64 1 Inteleon CRE 43 2 Drizzile SSH 56 2 Lombre RCL 8 3 Suicune V EVS 31 2 Ludicolo EVS 34 1…
Reversal Energy not working??
I'm running an off-meta deck with Mismagius (SIT #64) and Lunalla, and I bring 2 reversal energy specifically for Lunalla's first ability, who'll put 2X damage counter for each opposing Pokemon. My plan is simple, using eerie voice and Mismagius ability (on knockout), Spiteful Magic to deal damage, and then double it with…
Where is talonflame???
I'm a returning player to the game i played on TCG Online for quite a bit and wanted to get back into the game. An expanded beedrill deck i was running played 4 copies of gale wings talonflame and when i went to put the cards into my deck on TCG live the talonflames were not there. I migrated my collection from TCG Online,…
Hisuian Decidueye v/vmax
Im surprised by how many players do not use Hisuian decidueye v/vmax. I don’t see how you could have a card that can create endless possibilities and just not use it unlike flying pikachu v and blissey v. I made a deck around Hisuians Decidueye v’s 1 cost (F). It requires 2 air balloons, a sir fetched with Meteor assault,…
Ptcgl tournaments
When will we be able to participate in tournaments on Ptcgl? I drive a semi for a living and this is where I get my daily need for Pokémon battles and would love to play in tournaments while I’m on the road….
Tips for new players?
I have played 2 games and lost both so far. I have never played the physical TCG either. Does anyone have any tips for winning? TIA!
Question on using Spiritomb Ticking Terror and switching.
Hello. Spiritomb 89 Ticking Terror says "Until the end of your next turn, the Defending Pokemon's Weakness is now DARK. If my opponent switches on their turn does that mean the new active is weak to dark? or If my opponent switches does that mean it's still weak to dark even though it's now on their bench? or does the act…
What dose it take to make it to Ultra League???
Hello. I always stall out in the Great League on the ladder. I'm looking for some advice (general and/or specific) on what it takes to make it to Ultra League. Maybe you have thoughts on decks, strategies, philosophy? ANY advice would be much appreciated. Thank you friends.
The new op deck in my opinion.
I made a deck consisting of the new Forretress ex and Wo-Chien ex. This deck is strong if you know how to use it. You can knock out ur forretress ex to search ur deck for 5 energy cards and attach to your pokemon in anyway you like. This ability is handy cause u can power up your Wo-Chien ex and then use its first attack…
ways to improve this deck?
I had to make a poor man's deck out of the few cards I had and ended up making a deck centered around mewtwo and giratina and I was wondering about ways to improve the deck I came up with. The deck Giratina V x2 Giratina Vstar x2 Mewtwo V x2 Mewtwo Vstar x2 Comfey x2 Bidoof x2 Bibarel x2 Arceus V x1 Exp share x2 Judge x2…