Is This A Bug Or Actually LEGAL?
Straight to the point — Mew EX’ Genome Hacking defeats Mimiku
So I have this Charizard and Armarouge ex deck, but I have been playing it a little, and I believe y’all can help with it. Like adding some cards or removing some. Armarouge ex is my main with the help of Charizard, I thought it would desimate anyone… but nope! 2 Charizard ex (PAF) 2 Armarouge ex(PAR) 2 Charizard (GO) 3…
Cool electric powerhouse decks
What do you think of this Gholdengo Deck? Any Tips?
4 Gimmieghoul 4 Gholdengo 2 Palkia VStar 2 Palkia V 3 Superior Energy Retrieval 4 Energy Retrieval 1 Klara 4 Nest ball 4 Ultra Ball 2 Capturing Aroma 3 Arven 2 Bosses Order 1 Lady 2 Worker 1 Choice Belt 2 Trekking Shoes 1 Clive 3 Earthen Vessel Choice belt for Girantina Help edit my deck for Mimickyu counters plz Thank You…
Weekly Deck Discussion #2
Welcome to our second weekly deck discussion! Today we will be talking about a deck that I myself never got around to building IRL but had a ton of fun with on TCG LIVE: Klawf This deck kinda started out as a meme, but it just recently got a fourth place at the Goiana regional championships in the hands of Lucas Pedrosa,…
Suggestions to my Psychic deck
Any suggestions or helpful info would be greatly appreciated 2 Mimikyu 2 abra 2 kadabra 1 xatu 1 kirila 2 flittle 1 ralts 1 gardener ex 1 natu 2 espartha 1 Alakazam trainers 3 ultra ball 2 moonlit hill 2 boss orders 2 jacq 3 level ball 1 luxurious cape 2 iono 2 battle vip pass 1 fog crystal 3 rare candy 2 super rod 2…
Can Someone Help Me With My Deck?
How I'm playing this deck is I use Mimikyu and Mr. Mime as a wall and then I use Alakazam to beat down the opponent's pokemon while Alakazam for the most part is safely on my bench wrecking havoc. I've noticed sometimes it becomes hard to get the pieces I need to set it up. I would like to add another Mimikyu, Abra,…
Spiritomb (ticking terror) and kabutops (ancient way)
I am wondering if this combination would be possible... first i'd like to control the weakness of the defending pokemon with spiritomb and then i would go for an attack with dark type pokemon while kabutops for 4x damage in bench... but is it still possible as spiritoms attack says someghing like amount of weakness wont…
Missing Battle Academy cards after migration to new Pokemon TCG Live
Hello, I had Battle Academy cards on Pokemon TCG Online previous version. Today i decided to get back to game and I did migration to new account/game (?) and I don't have my Battle Academy cards. Someone can help me?
Hello, I need some suggestions to improve my snorlax deck.
So I just recently started playing the game and need some suggestions regarding improving this deck and some tips regarding what should I add for specific matchups. Like which matchups are good or bad? Pokémon: 5 1 Mimikyu PAF 37 1 Pidgeot V LOR 137 1 Radiant Tsareena SIT 16 4 Snorlax PGO 55 1 Rotom V LOR 58 Trainer: 24 4…