Does anyone have a good rogue deck suggestion?
While I love playing meta decks (current main being Peony Miraidon), but I also really like the idea of rogue decks I've used several versions of Zorobox before and had fun despite almost always losing (not the best with it haha) Does anyone have deck lists for other fun rogue decks to try? I'm open to anything (I also…
Zeraora Deck Recommendation
just started a month ago with pkmn tcg. can someone recommend me a Good Deck with my favorite Pkmn Zeraora? Or is it too weak against Meta Decks? Btw. Friend plays MewVmax Deck
In 2024 will we be able to challenge a Friend in Expanded Format?
Since the release of Scarlet and violet set, there has been no expanded friendly games in PTCG Live. I personally love making creative decks & often play in online tournaments. Having only standard friendly games extremely limited the creativity and category for fun battles and online tournaments. I really wish PTCG Live…
Iron Crown ex updated draw support deck list
what do you think? 2 Miraidon PR-SV 92 3 Iron Crown ex TEF 206 1 Iron Crown ex TEF 81 1 Iron Hands ex PAR 70 1 Mew ex MEW 151 1 Mew ex PAF 216 3 Iron Hands ex PAR 248 1 Future Booster Energy Capsule SVALT 48 3 Professor's Research SVI 190 1 Arven SVI 166 PH 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 3 Electric Generator PAF 79 PH 2…
What do you think of this Lucario Ex deck?
Pokémon: 15 1 Skwovet SVI 151 1 Phanpy SIT 91 1 Hisuian Growlithe ASR 70 2 Armaldo SIT 96 1 Anorith SIT 95 1 Riolu SVI 112 1 Gliscor PAR 92 1 Eevee MEW 133 1 Swablu PAR 152 1 Altaria SIT 143 1 Donphan PAF 49 1 Lucario ex PR-SV 17 1 Riolu BRS 78 1 Meowth MEW 52 1 Gligar PAR 91 Trainers: 15 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 1…
Is regionals worth the price?
Charizard ex
Charizard-Pidgeot is arguably one of the best standored decks out there. Does anyone have a good idea on how to counter it?
Is there an advantage to conceding at the last second?
Recently, I've run into several opponents who play out the whole battle, then concede between the time I KO their Pokemon and get my last prize card(s). Is there some stat or something that makes conceding better than an outright loss? Or are they just being a spoilsport?
The most pointless card of all time? (Snorlax Doll)
Its only good for setup, after that - it has zero function. If you get it into play, great - but you can only get it in place one time... that's it. No returning it to play from discard/hand/deck - why is this a card? Maybe some card will come out to make it playable? You should be able to play it at least first or second…
Comment ,"Aye!" is you are exited for the item card Buddy Poffin
Thx :)