Can someone help me improve my deck
I keep losing with it Pokémon (17) slakoth pal (2) vigoroth pal (2) slaking pal (2) lumineon v brs (1) luvdisc pal (2) chien-pao ex pal (2) pelipper pal (1) wingull pal (1) Quaxly pal (2) quaxwell pal (1) quaquavel ex pal (1) trainer (19) superior energy retrieval (3) super rod (1) switch (2) rare candy (2) Roxanne (1)…
[game mode request] Standard Singleton and/or GLC
I think something like Standard Singleton or Standard Gym Leader Challenge would be nice to add to Live. It doesn't require additional cards to be programmed in, simply implement a queue with a check that the player's standard deck is singleton (=Singleton) and also only contains pokémon of a same type and no rulebox…
Ladder and Meta decks
I know I'm not a top player or anything but I feel like it is impossible to compete in ranked. I get to Greninja level and get back to back tournament level decks matched against me. Maybe there is just a lack of players but it would be nice if that were more in Ultra/Master league. My strongest deck right now is Chien-Pao…
Any tips to upgrade this deck? Very high win rate so far and cycles energy cards well for Gholdengo.
Pokémon: 14 1 Swablu SIT 142 1 Sigilyph SIT 75 1 Unown V SIT 176 1 Gholdengo ex PAR 252 1 Tatsugiri PAR 141 PH 2 Gimmighoul PAR 198 1 Gholdengo ex PAR 231 1 Jirachi PAR 126 PH 1 Lunatone PGO 34 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 1 Mantyke PAR 189 1 Altaria EVS 106 1 Orthworm PAR 138 1 Mewtwo ex PAR 58 Trainer: 18 2 Energy Recycler…
Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames Top Competitive Cards
Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames has only just launched, but players can already feel the heat rising at their local events. The expansion has plenty of cards that are either ready to enhance your deck or be the centerpiece of a new strategy. Get to know some of the hot cards that might be ready to smoke the competition in…
Any news about when to be able to play the expanded format on the Live version?🙂
Force-Discard Strategy?
I recently lost by running out of cards; it happened out of nowhere and I was crushing them. All I remember is Wugtrio, Archeops and Whiscash, and some reversal energy. Anyways I immediately set out to build a similar deck but haven’t seemed to get the recipe right yet. Anyone?
Unite Match #15
The contestants for this match are: Hoopa or Absol
Rate my poison deck
I designed this poison deck, I’m not great at making decks but I can pick a theme and roll with it. It’s still in the testing phase and I’m open to suggestions. The problems I’m running into is not getting energy fast enough or reliable getting Toxicroak and Clodsire. Pokémon: 7 1 Lumineon V BRS 40 3 Paldean Clodsire ex…
Ultimate Charizard EX (Decklist)
4 Charmander from 151 3 Charizard EX from OBF 2 Pidgey from OBF 2 Pidgeot EX from OBF 1 Mew EX from 151 1 Entei V from Brilliant Stars 1 Raikou V from Brilliant Stars 1 Shaymin V from Brilliant Stars 1 Jirachi from PAR 1 Mysterious Tail Mew 3 Battle VIP Pass 2 Arven 2 Escape Rope 2 Super Rod 2 Iono 4 Boss Orders 1…