Let get creative
I get that it's ranked and this is supposed to be a competition/ competitive game but it's also about creating and personalities let that shine through your deck ideas . Meta is meta but let's try to approach this as real trainers . I personally built a deck from scratch that does very well ,but I rarely encounter trainers…
Deck creation
How many of you are playing with decks you have constructed?
World Championship decks 2023 revealed
Anyone else encountered these decks yet in game? I just did on casual while testing a new deck and oof did that Colorless Lugia deck make quick work of the match. Didn't help that I was trying a from-scratch deck lol. The use of the discard pile to quickly get two archeops to the bench via Lugia Vstar's ability was pretty…
Fun castform deck
I recently tried to make a castform deck and i find this list to be pretty good. Pokémon: 7 1 Lumineon V BRS 40 3 Castform Snowy Form CRE 34 1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 264 2 Kirlia SIT 68 3 Castform Sunny Form CRE 22 1 Manaphy BRS 41 2 Ralts ASR 60 Trainer: 23 4 Ultra Ball SVI 196 2 Switch SVI 194 2 Shopping Center EVS 157 2…
Help with Chein Pao ex / Iron valiant ex deck
Hi, this is my first post so I don't expect much of anyone to answer, but I have been working on a deck that I think might be decent, but am not sure and I would really like some reviews, deck list below 1 Mew ex 4 Iron Valiant ex 2 Frigibax 2 Baxcalibur 2 Chien-Pao ex 1 Manaphy 1 Radiant Greninja 2 Squirtle 1 Wartortle 2…
Same 3 deck builds - Ranked
Gholdengo ChienPao Roaring Moon Every ranked game is a rotating door of these 3 deck builds and it gets very old very fast. Does casual mode provide more variety of deck builds?? Or can the App Devs provide some algorithm to NOT pair you with another player using a particular Pokemon / deck build back to back?
Trying to make a new poison deck tell me what you think
Toedscruel help?
I've been testing a toedscruel deck that also utilizes itemlock but the results are inconsistent - most vitally, going second can cause big problems because i don't have the head start to start itemlocking on turn 2. When that isn't the issue i often find myself lacking either energy or an evolution. Is there something i…
Victini V and Gardevoir V decks from Sword and Shield expansions
Hey everyone! I'm new to TCG live but I had been playing TCG online for a very long time. I got my first ever real Pokemon cards in the form of Victini and Gardevoir decks that I then unlocked in TCGO but it closed so I had to buy them again in TCG live. Now I can't use them in standard format, anyone knows why? I did try…
Why are there so many sheep?
The game gets boring after a while. Nearly everyone I face plays the same 2-3 decks. Combine Baxcalibur and Chien Pao - Add infinite water energies and attach them all at the same time, blah blah blah etc etc. Where is the creativity? Can't people think for themselves and not just cop the exact same deck strategy from…