Feraligatr using Croconaw move
The Feraligator was being swapped onto the board and then used Croconaws Reverse Thrust. There was no tools attached to allow it to use another pokemons move that it evolved from. Was this intended?
me gustaria que eliminara los bugs 3 partidas me meto y resulta que me sale pantallazo azul espero una pronta solucion estoy gravemente afectado con la actualizacion eso tambien afecta a los demas poketubers esto no es justo
Ability Infernal Reign
when i use this ability on Charizard ex 125/197 i get three energy as I'm suppose too. I go to place these and the first one will go and when I place the second one, wherever I place it the third one just follows it to the same spot so i am not able to split them up as I would like and its causing my energy game to get…
Credits not adding
I haven’t been able to get credits from battles, leveling up, or battle pass for days. I haven’t been able to get support to respond either. I’ve tried logging out and everything else I can think of. Does anyone have any ideas?
Gengar EX bugged
When I used Gengar EX's Tricky Steps attack, it asked if I wanted to move any energy but did not display cards for me to pick from. They had energy attached and benched pokemon to move the energy to. It did give me the option to move none as normal. The Handheld Fan tool card worked fine.
Archaludon ex Bug?
Hiya! Sorry to bother y’all, but I only came here to possibly report a bug. I was workshopping a new Metal deck with Gholdengo and Archaludon, and I ran across a problem. I’m playing on mobile, and every time I get the option to proc Achaludon ex’s Assemble Alloy ability, after I select the two energies I’d like to use, my…
TCG redemption-access denied
my son plays the online game and he recently went to redeem some cards and it says access denied and we cannot scan or input the codes. Whats going on?
Still so much bug
I dont know if they’re gonna fix this because they sent a message saying matchmaking is fixed but nothing talks about all those energy moving problems. A lot of deck just lag while moving energy or getting energy out of discard. Hope they’re gonna fix the problems and they’re not gonna leave them there
Magneton broken
playing miraidon (testing/playing reasons) and everytime i use Magneton's " Overvolt discharge" ability, the game freezes. Big bug, please fix. thank you
Scramble Switch unable to move energy.
Similar to the issue with Archaludon’s ability, you cannot move energy from the Pokemon you switch out of the active to the new Active Pokemon when using Scramble Switch.