why am i getting Error 10011?
I haven't been able to connect with the game for the last couple of days. it's been stuck at 13/46 or 28/46 when loading then gave me the 1011 error. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, logging in, and logging back out. after yesterday's update, I could play on my phone but now I can't play on my phone or…
Archaludon ex ability bug
Cannot choose to attach steel energy with Archaludon ex's ability. Got screenshot proof. Was doing some last minute ladder grinding and now it's impossible for me to hit Arceus before season end.
Item cards not working correctly
I am having issues using multiple item cards in the same turn. It seems after I use a Buddy-Buddy Poffin, I cant use some other card like "Switch Cart" 154/189. I don't know if this is a Buddy-Buddy Poffin card issue or a game issue. Please fix. Just started playing the game and it would be nice if it worked correctly.
Archaludon's Assemble Alloy Bugged
Hi there, After the new update today, it appears that Assemble Alloy won't let you attach your energy. When evolving into Arch ex, the energies float near the bench, but you cannot click or drag them. Please let me know if I'm missing something, but this seems like it may be a bug.
How to report bug with particular card?
Everytime I play Giovanni and remove an opponents energy, it removes the timer and you can’t do anything if you don’t have an energy to play. It just sits there, no timer countdown or end turn either. Last two times it happened my opponents and I just kept doing emotes at each other. Super frustrating bug!!! How do you…
Arceus Tier / Ranked issues
Resetting everyone back to the beginning of the ladder EVERY MONTH is ridiculous. Have some sort of decay or soft reset. For example: if you reach 1700 elo you get sent back to 1500 elo or if you reach 1500 you get sent back to 300 so you dont have to grind all the way back to Arceus. To the Devs: competitive players…
Magneton Overbolt Discharge Bug
Twice already happened that when i try to use Magneton Ability after he knocks himself out the energy just hovers there frozen without me being able to add the energy to my ELECTRIC Pokémon, No click or dragging the energy works. There's not even the blue arrow that hovers above the energy or cards that lets you know that…
Title says it all…
Gardevoir ex's ability ko'd it's own Pokemon
I was playing a game just now where I just needed to put 60 damage in play to move over with my double munkidori to win the game. After I attached the energy needed, the yellow 'done' button appeared, which I clicked; it reappeared, and I clicked it again; then it reappeared again and I clicked it again. At this point the…
Why is it that if you even have ONE less than 20 Energy, you will not be getting ANY Energy the entire match?? It's like the game is deliberately trying to PUNISH us just because we don't have the, "recommended," amount of cards…