Game not playing correctly
Stadium card that is supposed to restrict v and vmax ability is restricting all Pokémon abilities. I don’t understand why the company is making this big switch from PTCG online to this live platform. Why not just improve the online version. I play everyday and I migrated my account so far I am not happy with the new…
Cant log in on mobile
Entering login creditendials does nothing, the game only responds when entering a wrong password, after a while it just says that login session has expired and tells me to reopen the app just to get stuck again, on Galaxy S23 Ultra if that matters.
Game freezes after language select screen
i get a white screen with a back arrow on the bottom left of my screen and an ''X" in the middle bottom.. Cant do anything but click X and exit. Any fixes for this?
Can play only decks given from start
Hello, I can play only basic decks I got from the start of the game like inteleon, blissey etc. For some reason I cannot use my own deck, nor eternatus deck I got from battlepass. It just wont let me choose any cards in the match. I also cannot test decks. Game will just freeze. Tried to contact support but they couldnt…
Quick ball and net ball seems to bug sometimes, for example with quick ball i cant choose a certain pokemon , and with net ball i cant choose energy.
App Unplayable
ptcgl is unplayable
My game on ipad and pc is unplayable before maintenance on the 14 march i had problems where i couldnt use search cards like quick balls or battle vip pass cards would be invisible and it would tell me no elligable cards, after maintenance i cant even start a game my hand freezes mid air and when i concede my screen goes…
Game crashing mid match
Anyone else having this issue? It is extremely annoying being connected to wifi and the game still crashes in the middle of a match and playing ranked I lose points
Ply by play log available
most games have a way to look at previous moves or revealed cards. I think it would definitely be great in ranked especially. When being revealed a card for a couple seconds if you’re not familiar with ALL cards and you’re trying to read it’s very difficult. I know I could just “get gud” but a log isn’t cheating and…
General Attack Announcement / Log
The old PTCGO would announce the attack while attacking so you know if like a Ditto, etc. used an attack from a Pokémon in the discard otherwise it just looks to be damage. Combine this with a log of moves, again like the predecessor PTCGO, then it will be easier to play.