I am still completely incapable of drawing any kind of balance during ranked play. I can never get more than one of 11-16 Pokémon on my bench or if I do I can’t get my VMAX or a single needed energy. That’s over 22-23 in a row I’ve been knocked out due to not being able to draw any kind of balance of energy, Pokemon and/or…
Registeel is broken
Against at least lugia v registeel heavy slam doesn't take away damage for retreat cost
Sound Bug involving SFX
It seems that the Steel Type Board SFX is unaffected by the Sound effects volume slider, bypassing it and playing at 100% all the time
Genesect V Alternate Full Art Card Bug
When selecting my first active Pokémon from my hand, I had 2 copies of Genesect V in my hand, 1 Regular 1 Alternate Full art. After playing Genesect V it stacked the Alternate Full Art on top of it, but it was still counting as part of my hand and I couldnt interact with it. After my opponent played Marnie it shuffled the…
I did not get credits for my cards and packs
I saw someone start a new account without migrating and they had the same amount of credits and crystals I started with after migrating. I had plenty of extra cards and close to the max amount of unopened packs. They also got a free lugia deck and a couple of decks I didn't get. Idk what is going on but now I don't have…
Forest Seal Stone Ability Bug
Maybe I don't understand the interaction, but I think there is a bug on PTCGL regarding the Forest Seal Stone tool card ability... An opponent used the ability (search your deck for a card...) when it was attached to a Crobat V on the bench while I had Path to the Peak in play. Is this a known issue or am I…
Radiant Charizard "Excited Heart" Ability doesn't work
I was playing against an opponent who had taken 2 Prize Cards and my Radiant Charizard had FFC energy attached to it. However, it would not let me select "Combustion Blast." Just wanted to report this issue!
Cards are wrong?
Sooo my regieleki was a trekking shoes and my gift energy was an escape rope lol.
Impossible to build decks
I'm thinking about just starting a different ptcgo account. I could complete this battle pass and the next 3 and maybe have enough crystals to build another deck. Something needs to be different this is really ridiculous. Code cards are pointless now, no one is ever going to pull the cards they need. It's really…
Why the time in my turn is so short?
as soon as my turns starts the timer for 10 seconds appear on the top some times even the animation from the opponent is still going and my timer starts without being able to do anything and leave my with 2 or 3 seconds to play a card and as soon as i play a card the timer resets to 10 seconds is not enough time to do…