Auto buy of battle pass levels
Think there needs to be a second prompt when you're looking at the battle pass to prevent buying levels on accident. I was trying to see the different items and it auto-bought 9 levels from the battle pass before I could anything. many games require either a different input or a longer input to confirm such a transaction.…
Opponent permanently locks the match even end game timer doesn't stop it. Forced to Give up
The opponent permanently locks the match even if the timer ends, it doesn't stop the game, so you're forced to give up.
choice belt not working on BRS pachirisu in TCG LIVE
recently switched from tcgo to tcg live. I know live is still filled with buggs, but as most my friends had moved over already I decided to follow. I recreated my pachirisu deck I was running on tcgo utilizing the boss pocket honchkrow V. it's a fun deck to play but I noticed it wasn't able to do as much damage as before.…
[GAME BUG] Switching Sounds Not Affected By Sliders
When playing with the sound and music sliders all the way down, the sound effect of Zacian V and Zamazenta V retreating and getting Boss'd still came through at a jarring loudness each time one of them moved from the bench to the active spot. I can't hear any other sounds, though. I thought Netflix was randomly doing loud…
Another issue with transfering
Hello, I have issues with transfering from TCG Online to TCG live. Even if I did the transfert, my cards aren’t in TCG live. And I’m not sure I had the bonus. I can’t connect on TCG Online anymore, so I assume the transfert did well. I’m afraid to lose all my cards….
BUG Mew VMAX deck is unplayable
I finally reached level 25 and got the Mew VMAX deck. However, when I play with it, the game frequently freezes while drawing cards or while searching for cards in the deck (after I play Ultra Ball, Battle VIP Pass, etc.). Does anyone have the same problem? I was playing the Shadow Rider deck until now without experiencing…
not allowing me to select cards in deck search
hi it happens often when I play a card such as battle pass vip,, it does not allow me to select a certain basic pokemon, but it will allow me to select others. or any game mechanic where i am selecting and swiping things to make them happen, such as spreading damage counters, sometimes some of the damage counters just wont…
{0:n0} Error
Had a small disconnect while at the end of a match. After victory I see this error on ranked ladder. {0:n0} on the ranked ladder. Not sure if I got credit for the win.
Colress's experiment & Sky seal stone bugs
So I just encountered a bug, where I couldn't select the second Card in a Colress's experiment (specifically a scoop up net) It wouldn't move no matter how many times I clicked on it or tried to drag it down. This is a pretty game breaking bug, as it denied me a knockout with Galarian Zigzagoon, and I honestly don't see,…
My Pokémon on bench does not exist
I just had a game I had a palkia v on the bench and in active position drezzile, On the opponent's turn knock out drezzile and at the moment of palkia v go to the active spot the game ends. I attach a little video