Ranked crashing before coin flip
I have won at least 7 ranked matches sometimes 3 in a row because my op concedes before the game loads up. While my name alone might strike fear into their hearts I’m guessing this is a(nother) bug.
BUG: Raikou - Amazing Shot - cannot drag bench damage
Just had a game where Raikou doing amazing shot COULD NOT drag the 120 icon to a designated opponent's benched pokemon and forced a timeout.
Mew - Energy Mix not working
I often can't use Energy Mix eventhough I have Fusion Strike ENergy under Mew.
VPN kills the GAME!!!!
Please open new pokemon TCG for all countries, because using vpn kills the speed and game!!!!! We need to use it because we can't to connect to the game from every counries, only some of them. 70% matches are surrenders cause bad connection
Ladder climb too slow?
I would love to get to Master Level (for some of the loot) in the ranked ladder but I feel like it is too slow. To reach 2020, assuming a 66% win percentage (which is very high) you would have to win 201 games out of 300 total matches at 20 pts per win (and - 20 pts per loss). Is 300 games in a month really expected??…
Issue with Avatar Emotes
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, and I know there are much more important issues (see the ever growing list of bugs people have been reporting) But the way the avatar emotes are animated comes off as very sarcastic and rude and as such does not promote a healthy atmosphere for enjoying the game. I highly…
My rank changed
I was about 500 rank but after one game, it changed to 390. And for my stats, I was about 50 win 30 loses, then I changed to 50 win 49 loses. What should I do?
Archeops bug
Card states that you can only use the ability "primal turbo" once during your turn but i see players using it multiple times in one turn. Am i reading the card wrong or is it incorrectly built in game. It's annoying to lose when it looks like i shouldn't have.
Leafy Camo Pouch not working against Boss Orders
I would attach the card to a Glaceon Vmax or a Vulpix V-star in my active spot, and they are still able to use Support cards such as Boss orders to switch my pokemon. Can't tell if it's a bug or if Leafy Camo Pouch genuinely doesn't work against Boss Orders.
Placing Damage Counter BUG (?!)
I noticed today I could not place the final damage counter in Zeroara’s VSTAR attack, as well as Radiant Greninja’s attack. I haven’t noticed this before. Seems to be an issue with the final position of the final damage counter, being directly in the middle of the screen, perhaps? Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I…