Game freezing and timer countdown does nothing
Fix this game! Random freezing is now occurring and there's nothing that can be done except concede. How disappointing but not surprising.. ugh
Battle Pass won’t load
Hi team. Ever since I have been using the client on all devices, whenever I try and open the battle pass after playing a game I get a message saying the battle pass in unavailable. If I close the client and reopen it; the battle pass works. But this is a frustrating bug
Select a prize card big
You’re able to lock your opponent into a game during the select a prize card screen. I just had to wait out a 20 min turn timer. As my opponent was able to AFK and lock me there.
Adding Game Logs
I noticed that PTCGL doesn't seem to have a way to view logs of past games, or even games that just ended like PTCGO (unless I missed something). I think this would be a useful feature for debugging, especially because early into sets it seems a few cards tend to get banned due to bugs. Having some way to recreate games…
Bonus Credits from Migration
Hello, I received a decent amount of credits from migration - do you know what these are from? Are they rewarded from duplicates of cards I already own in Live?
Cards not transferring
I logged in on my account on tcg live, selected migrate and none of the cards are showing? Anyone else have this? I put the format filter on all but nothing
[Bug] Fusion Strike system near before hitting 0 cards
If you use Fusion Strike System when you have 6 benched pokemons and a deck with less cards than fusion strike pokemons in your bench the game will get stuck unable to continue. The user of the ability will no longer be able to continue the game and will eventually time out.
Migration Bug
Me and a few friends noticed when we migrated our PTCGO accounts to PTCGLive that 3 out of 4 of our Umbreon Star cards from the Celebrations Set did not transfer along with the rest of our account. Thought I should make it known to y'all.
Hyper potion
Hello, there is a problem with hyper potion, we are forced to discard 2 energy cards but discarding 1 double turbo is enough!
Has anyone else lost elo randomly?
So i just logged in to my account on the TCG: Live where I initially had 900 trophies earlier this morning when I logged off. But once I just logged in a few hours later, I now only have 620 trophies. No, I did not play any games from the time I logged off till the time I just logged in so I'm curious to know if anything…