unable to search for cards with "poke" in the name unless I specifically type "poké"
In order to find a card like pokégear 3.0, I have to specifically type the name with the accent over the e or else it doesn't return anything. I suppose that is technically correct, but I have always been able to search for anything with "poké" in the name by just searching for "poke". Most people do not know how to type…
Whenever I play one of these two the pokemon don't appear however it says I have available pokemons to choose from, in conclusion I can't choose a pokemon from these 2 balls and ends up wasting them and having no way of recovering the game because if I get another ball , use it, the same bug appens, the main point IT'S…
Stats bug?
I have played 3 or 4 matches total in my Pokémon career. When I look at my stats in Pokémon tcg live however, it says I am 2/64 and that I've played 66 matches. When I log in after a few days of not playing, I have accumulated more losses. Why? Why is this?
Unannounced Change to Champions Festival Migration
Hello, there are confirmed reports from multiple players now that foreign language Champions Festivals now transfer into Live as extra English copies. This apparently is a new change that came with the latest update of the game. For everyone else who migrated before this change, will we be getting extra copies of the…
Unexpected logout
Twice now, since the last update, I have been logged out of Pkmn Live in the middle of a game. Also, game client forgets login info between sessions. macOS Monterey.
Additional Sorting Options
Add sorting options for cards by date collected, and/or another for cards redeemed by codes. It’s hard to find the cards I’ve gotten from codes without being able to have a specific filter for them.
Stats bug?
I have played 3 or 4 matches total in my Pokémon career. When I look at my stats in Pokémon tcg live however, it says I am 2/64 and that I've played 66 matches. When I log in after a few days of not playing, I have accumulated more losses. Why? Why is this?
Unable to play after starting game
I just started the game, but every deck provided is not legal to play at the moment. I don't know if there is a plan to remedy this, but this is not something that should remain true. Thank you
PalPad and Quick Ball
why are these not playable now?? This is crazy!!! I cant play old decks or new decks... Come on!!
Glasses Bug
After a few matches, the color of your glasses change to the default colors. Please fix.