Hisuian Arcanine Irrestible Force
This ability does not work correctly. It requires transferring all energy, because the “done button” flashes up only for a split second. (And if you do click this button it essentially breaks the game). Was hoping this would be fixed on last update/patch but does not appear to be fixed. Are others still experiencing? Is…
new background sounds are anxiety inducing and need a seperate mute button
lots of issues like the glasses color options are not saving, the background noises are unbearable, ive had issues with prize cards being invisible in game, i cant view my collection easily and i have no way to save packs to do a mass opening for streams . theres so much more but this new experience is just too rough to…
Damage Counter Allocation does not KO
I had two separate occasions of Kyogre not being able to knock out a pokemon after attaching 180 damage to a pokemon including when hit a pokemon with a pump shot. This never used to be a problem before in the beta.
Error 0 on MacBook
The game fail to load on MacBook under OsX 10.14.6 I got the message ERROR 0 on loading page It's realy painfull Anyone having the same issue ? Please FIX this BUG 😪
Enjoying update so far!
Just wanted to give Kudos to dev team for some of the changes with this update so far. The animations no longer have the flickering white light that was annoying, there is a dark screen instead of bright white during cut screens and animations are no longer slowing down the game for me on PC. Also some of the new…
CONFIRMED: Lake Acuity Bug ongoing.
You don't need any energy attached to your pokémon to get the defence buff.
Sableye damage counters doenst work
For twice i encountered myself in a situation which i attack with Sableye second attack (Lost Mine) and when splitting the damage between pokemon some counters doesnt resolve. Instead of putting the 12 counters, only 7-8 resolves... This happened twice with me.
Searching problem, Player skins, Stuck cards, "No valid cards"
I have encountered many bugs on PC!!! I cannot really play it, to be honest. The items/Supporter cards that recquire choosing, or searching in your deck, don't show the options. It seems like there is not a valid card in my deck (Even tho I have them). Also the player skins never show up, and the cards are for some reason…
Unplayable !
Seriously ! What are you doing ? Update after update, always the same bug ! The game is literally unplayable on PC ! The cards stay frozen on the screen and when it doesn't freeze you can't look for anything in your deck with the different ball ! You want to test your deck quickly before going on the ladder ? No, that…
Problem with updating the game
When I try to log in I’m greeted with this message After clicking update now I go to the App Store and see this Why can’t I update the game if one is available?