Jumpluff Fluffy Barrage extra attack without proper energy permitted but fails with Scroll of Swirls
When making Jumpluff's extra attack through Fluffy Barrage, if Rapid Strike Scroll of Swirls is attached and attempting to use the tool's Matchless Maelstrom attack with only a single Spiral Energy attached, the game allows the attack input, skips the attack, and passes the turn.
Allow searching of words without having to include an accented é.
I was driving myself crazy trying to find the Pokestop and Pokegear 3.0 cards, only to discover that the game does not return a search result unless you have included the accented é. This was previously not an issue in PTCGO. Please correct. Thank you.
Seal Stone Glitches
The Seal Stones appear to be broken. I was playing ADP versus two decks, during which both times I had a Path to the Peak in play. Path to the Peak is supposed to remove all abilities from Rule Box Pokemon, however, in both of these matches, something interesting happened. A Dragonite V with Sky Stone Seal was able to…
'Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched pokemon' is not working
Used this Eiscue, twice. The blizzard attacks states that it should do 10 HP damage on each of my opponent's benched mons. It does not seem to work. Is it a bug?
"Switch" and "Bird Keeper" makes sounds with everything muted
As the title says. Even though the game is fully muted using "Switch" and "Bird Kepper" will still make a sound.
moderation on this forum
Yesterday morning, just about 24 hours ago, I posted a response to the topic "Miltank Miracle Body"... or rather, I wrote a post, only to have it held up for moderation. It still hasn't appeared. There was nothing offensive or otherwise problematic about what I wrote, so I'm not sure why it continues to be held back. Is it…
Some decks make the game freeze
This happened to me with 2 decks already, when the game is starting after the coin flip the cards are being drawn to my hand and they suddently freeze in the screen and i can't do anything and end up losing. I tested it many times with many decks and with 2 of them this always happens. These are the decks: First: Pokémon:…
Deck Search freezes game
I have tried on mobile (XR, iOS16.3.1), M1 iPad Pro (iPadOS 16.3.1) and M1 MacBook Air - all have the same issue where the game appears fine but playing a card which lets you search the contents of you deck freezes the game. It shows the black overlay to denote it’s in “deck search mode”, it has the toggle for valid cards…
Sky Seal Stone
Sky Steal Stone has not worked in many enviroments. Attaching to drapion v and knocking a mew vmax, as well as using dragonite v to know a Blissey V
Blank Card Inspection Bug
During the beginning of the match when you place your bench pokemon the Inspection functionality broke and softlocked me from doing anything at all. I don't remember the card I picked as it never displayed what it was.