Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex Misleading Damage
They really need to fix the displayed damage of Cornerstone when attacking. For example, when using Demolish against Mimikyu who is immune to V and ex Pokémon. The damage will be displayed as Zero when selecting an attack; however, when clicked it will proceed to do 140 damage or 120 damage with Double Turbo. It's…
Temporal Forces Redemption discrepency
Hello, wondering if this is common… in one of the redemption codes from a pack from temporal forces elite trainer kit, I received an ACE Spec Prime Catcher. BUT the card wasn't actually in the pack IRL. The retail Box and all 9 packs were originally sealed.....
Combustion Blast mechanics
I just lost a match to a Radiant Charizard that used combustion blast 2 turns in a row. The Charizard got switched out to the bench by Counter Catcher and came back in and was able to use the move a second turn in a row. Is that how the move is supposed to work, or is that a bug?
Can’t evolve Palafin ex from Finizen
I have Finizen and Palafin ex in one of my decks but I’m never able to evolve. The Palafin ex card says it’s stage 1 and evolves from Finizen, but it doesn’t work. I have screenshots of gameplay and the cards
Pikachu Topaz
The hourglass keeps glitches in my game. Once I attack a blown up version of my pikachu get stuck on my screenand I'm forced to quit.
horrible bad draws
my draws in my games have been atrocious, and my top decks are even worse. Is there any way to fix this?
Why can't friends battle in EXP mode, yet private servers can?
Private servers clearly allow friends to battle in EXP mode; it's just a matter of one line of code.
Redeemed boosterpacks gone
Yesterday I downloaded the TGC Live app and redeemed about 60 vouchers. In the app when reloaded appeared about 42 boosterpacks amongst other stuf I could open. I closed the app since i wanted my son to do the boosterpacks. Now they are gone. Wtf. Anyone?
Anyone else has issues with redeeming cards in TCG?
I got a pack and tried to redeem the Pokémon in the Trading card game live, but it’s not loading the code. It says max of 10 (digits?) but it’s a 13 digit code….
Shiinotic's "Calming Light" Effect (asleep) Cancelled by "Dangerous Laser" (item)
I encountered a bug where the effect of Shiinotic's Calming Light was unintentionally cancelled when I used the item card "Dangerous Laser". I used Brute Bonnet's Toxic Powder to poison the opponent's active Pokemon. Then used Shiinotic's Calming Light to put the opponent's active Pokemon to sleep. Then used "Dangerous…