Wyrdeer Cannot Attack
2 matches in a row and Wyrdeer cannot attack… it just doesn't allow it. Here is the log from the latest match. I have had to concede two in a row! — Setup fanukeenudels chose tails for the opening coin flip. zOrdep won the coin toss. zOrdep decided to go first. fanukeenudels drew 7 cards for the opening hand. 7 drawn…
Sylveon ex Angelite attack glitch
Just a glitch I've noticed regarding the attack in the title… On multiple occasions now, after using the mentioned attack (shuffle two of your opponent's benched Pokémon and all cards attached to them into their deck), I select the two Pokémon, and only one of them is shuffled into the deck, with the other remaining in…
Decklist export incorrectly lists counts
When a deck is exported from Live, it lists totals for Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy. Those totals, however, are the number of unique items in that category, NOT the total number. This is extremely confusing and as a judge doing deck checks it's no fun when someone submits a deck list they exported then printed out from…
Bug starting active pokemon
Playing a ranked game, I put comfey as my starting active pokemon and the game put manaphy on top of it in the active. Once it got to my turn anytime I changed my active pokemon the comfey was still there but totally inaccessible. Other active pokemon couldn't use their effects and I couldn't Retreat. The game was a total…
Iron Thorns bug
While playing a iron thorns in a test deck (against ai) the ability does not seem to be working. The ai continues to use its abilities with archeops and bidoof
Not recieving crystal reward when level up
I have noticed recently that when i level up an recieve reward of 100 or 200 crystals an claim them , my total amount at top of the screen doesnt change. I have noticed this happen several times in a row now. At first i wasnt watching for it an just assuming it added to my total. But there were times i knew i should of had…
Why does pokemon tcg live keep giving me the worst decks to use for more than 40 games.
Hi. I have been in Pokemon TCG Live for almost 2 years now. A few months ago, Pokemon TCG Live released a new update. Ever since, I have played many many games. At the start, it was fine. Soon, after I stopped playing for one to two days, I started losing and getting all the worst cards in my deck to play with. The cards…
Does Path to the Peak stop Ting-Lu EX's ability?
I just played a match where the opponent had Path to the Peak out as the stadium, Ting-Lu EX in their active spot, radiant alakazam, squawkabilly EX, hawlucha (SV), and one other pokemon on the bench. I had Mismagius (ST) as my active, Bibarel, and radiant alakazam on the bench. His hawlucha put damage on my Bibarel so…
Locked out of my account on app
So I created an account for Pokemon TCG live and then when I go to the app and login in I go back to the login and after a few times I get a what's happening screen and I'm worried I won't be able to access my account anymore?
Mobile unplayable
I tried getting into a battle on mobile and couldn’t do anything, after coin flip it brought me back to the face off screen