The beginner tutorial is stuck and cannot continue.
After completing the 5 battles in the beginner tutorial, the system guided me to the tier interface to claim rewards. However, no matter where I click on the screen, there is no response, and I cannot proceed. So, I restarted the app, but after re-entering, the tutorial resumed from where it was interrupted, and the same…
Trevenant & Dusknoir GX Attack Bug
When I use the GX attack on this card, it does it incorrectly. Pale Moon GX At the end of your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokémon will be Knocked Out. If this Pokémon has at least 1 extra Psychic Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack's cost) , discard all Energy from your opponent's Active Pokémon.…
No Flareon ex deck
According to this official page there should be a Flareon ex deck at the start of the battle pass, but the first reward I'm seeing is a single booster pack at Tier 1.
Potential Bug: Budew Itchy Pollen Effect turning Off Counter Gain
I've had two matches where Counter Gain had no effective on attack cost. This shouldn't be the case considering tool cards are no longer considered item cards. The tactic has been to go down one prize card by sacrificing a Deino, attach counter gain and an energy to PecharuntEX SFA93 then attack the Budew and break the…
My app froze but my opponent kept playing?
I had just finished my first turn when playing the Switch card froze my actions. I could tap on my cards to see them, the Switch was in the Play spot on the table, but it didn't give me the option to switch active and benched, and I couldn't take any further actions at all anymore. When I looked at the game log, my…
Even the same problems
Bugs bugs bugs!!! Why? I can't see the front of my opponent's cards. I play item cards and nothing happen but the time runs and then I lose the game. But no reward for this bugs. Even the same problems. Please let me love this app. Thank you all
Daily Quests STILL completely broken after Jan 16th update.
The Jan 14th update breaks the game, the Jan 16th update does not fix it. EDIT: ~8 hours later its magically now working.
Game keeps crashing at the worst times
Hi, I play on a Moto E and I've been having trouble getting into matches and ending them. There's a random chance whether I get to play a game or the app closes before I could play it; giving my opponent a free win. There's another bug where when a match ends, the game just automatically closes whether I win or lose. I…
Update triggered unplayable level of basic bugs
Hello, After updating TCGLive this morning, every other game has been plagued by at least one game breaking bug. Playing Lumineon has crashed the game; playing Arven has crashed the game, some cards show their backs and not their fronts. Usually it's one bug per five games, but this is multiple bugs per game, to the point…
Daily Quest
Currently having issues with the daily quest. Every time i complete the daily quest when i go to claim the rewards it switches to a different quest instead of letting me claim the rewards. Had 2 deal 400 damage quest turn into do at least 100 off of 1 hit and attach 9 energy.