Daily Quests completely broken after Jan 14th update.
Quests make no progress and clicking change quest does nothing. Started immediately after 1-14 update.
Works fine before the new patch for new battle pass (patch date 15/01/2024 if im right with the date). Tested against all rulebox opponents such as Char EX, Pidgeot EX etc. Works fine before the patch.
Active Pokémon card getting stuck big in front of screen
Once this happens it’s impossible to look or interact with my benched Pokémons. It only happens when I play tera pikachu… makes me lose the game/forfeit even when I’m winning
Error 10099
When I enter the game, when I reach 11/44, the game gives me Error 10099 error. It says The was an issue loading pokemon
Battlepass Daily Quest Rewards don't work
Daily quest compeleted. "Collect" button clicked. Button remains on clicked status. Nothing happens. Return to home page and go back to battlepass page again. Respective daily quest mark as completed but rewards never received.
Can't battle
I love how I can't battle nobody properly I want to use a trainer card so I grab it and take it to the top of the screen it don't even do nothing I'm not allowed to do that I can't I can't use trainer cards when it's my turn I can't put energy cards on my energy Pokemon that are required for it I can never call or text…
1.22.0 Patch Notes Do Not Reflect UI Changes
Hello! I just wanted to note that the 1.22.0 patch notes do not reflect the UI changes made as well as the name change of crystals and credits to trainer credits and trade credits. I was wondering if this could also be detailed in future patch notes
Blacked out cards 1/14/25 iOS
after the most recent update when I load into a game, certain cards are completely blacked out. when you click on them If they’re in your hand, it just pulls up a solid black square where the card would be. They even remain blacked out when they are discarded..
403 Error What Happened
i encountered the 403 error what just happened?, what's wrong? and can anybody fix 403 error?
When do avatars get beards?!?!?
I mean, come on. Have you been to a tournament and looked at the players? We need beards for our avatars in TCG Live. And not just some cute little metro thing. I mean, LOTR Gimli and ZZ Top. This apathy will not stand, man. 😁🎅👳🧙💪🇺🇲