Not letting me claim the abbtle pass daily quest rewards
Whenever I do all challenges and go to the BP section it resets the quests its so fricking annoying.
something wrong with downloading
https://installer.studio-prod.pokemon.com/installer/PokemonTCGLiveInstaller.msi i found the problem with downloading on site for windows
Is there a way to mute opponent emotes?
It just seems to be used in a toxic way by the opponent and I’d rather turn them off if there is an option.
Themed Daily quests
Themed dailies are a good idea, previous ones like playing a certain amount of dark energies and the like are fine. I dont think I should have to be screwed out of 1 daily quest because it's all eevee themed and I dont have the cards to complete them. Unless your giving a deck out with all the appropriate cards dailies…
Game freezes after redeeming the Eeveelution sleeves
I just got on Live to get the ladder and Battle Pass rewards and a popup for the Eeveelution sleeves showed up, so I redeemed it and the game froze. I was able to close the game and reopen it, but the loading screen is now stuck at 13/46.
Unable to complete daily quests
I just updated the app and now whenever I complete a daily quest, it doesn't give me the reward, instead it just changes to another quest. For example, I had the quest of play 3 item cards, I completed it, and then it changed to do 100 damage in a single attack without allowing me to claim the reward, so I completed the…
New Tera Vaporeon Ex Bug
Hi I've just battled against the new Tera Vaporeon Ex. Their Aquamarine ability states that the Pokémon cannot attack again next round, however there user WAS able to not just use the same Tera Vaporeon Ex but to use the same attack (Aquamarine with 280 dmg) again in the next round.
When will iPad be updated to have landscape mode?
I would love for tablet builds of PTCGL to be played in landscape instead of always being forced to portrait mode. I actively avoid playing PTCGL on iPad since playing in portrait mode is a lot less comfortable and more inconvenient for playing on the go. Tablets, and specifically iPads are being designed around being used…
Client Hotfixes - 1/16/25
Attention Trainers, A hotfix was implemented for the latest version of TCG Live. Please make sure you completely reset your game if you don't notice any changes. The following adjustments have been made: Fixed an issue where users may not receive rewards, and the "Collect" button will freeze when attempting to complete a…
Still Cannot Select Cards
I'm still getting the bug that shows cards to be selected but will not let me actually select them. For instance, Nest Ball, Ultra Ball, Jacq and Metal Maker sometimes will not let me select available options. Once during Metal Maker I had 3 available metal energy. It let me select the first one but the second would not…