Game Froze and then discarded a different card than I selected with Refinement
I used Kirlia's refinement ability and selected Worker to discard. The game froze like this for 5-10 seconds It then resumed and Worker returned to my hand and Iono got discarded instead. The game then proceeded normally otherwise.
Who wants a shorter game clock option?
Sometimes I just want a play a quick one and a 25:00 clock is way too much.
Cramorant did not hit for weakness damage.
Screen shot shows game state right after I attacked with Cram. The game froze for 10 seconds, then cramorant attacked and only did 110 instead of 220 to Delphox.
cheryl healing bug
I have noticed with the supporter card cheryl that when i use it to heal a damaged evolution pokemon it will discard any and all energies attached to my pokemon even if they are a basic or not damaged. for example, i played a game last night where my active was the basic entei v who was damaged with 2 energy attached while…
Draw cards bug
Hello. I keep getting a bug that makes it impossible to draw cards via Nest Ball, Arceus and Arceus VStar, Lady and other similar cards. I always turn the game on to play, but this bug is so annoying that I always turn the game off. And I'm really sick of this. I would like to play without having this bug. I don't know if…
Game frozen after trying to remove opponents Path to the peak.
Playing against a Geninja V-Union deck and bug appeared after I played a worker to remove their path to the peak, the worker went to the field then my entire game stopped responding. I could mouse over things and my timer was ticking and it apparently timed over to my opponent without bringing up a "time remaining"…
Inconsistency with search cards
So I've noticed that for some cards that involve searching your deck and/or retrieving something from the discard pile, some of them let you deliberately choose to immediately hit confirm without actually selecting cards, but others don't. For example, Adaman lets you search for 2 cards but does not allow you to hit…
Broken Game Design (not bugs!) will lose the TCG Live a lot of players
Every popular game has at least one core feature that makes it interesting. In the case of the pokemon tcg this is the possibility to build a virtually endless number of different exciting decks and playing them against this very variety of different decks, making the game exciting all over again as soon as you are able to…
Turn skip bug
Just encountered a bug that immediately skipped my turn after my draw step.
Cant pick certain cards when using item/ability/supporter that allow you to search your deck
I've encountered a bug that has happened like 4 times now. Occasionally when I use a card that allows me to search my deck for cards, it shows cards I can pick, but won't let me click on them. My latest encounter was just a few minutes ago when I used Colress's Experiment. All 5 cards from the top of the deck appeared…