Sqwakabilly ex
When using Squawkabilly's Motivate attack, the only Pokemon it would let me target was my Duraludon V on the bench. Turn one going second I discarded two energy, and used Motivate to accelerate energy but I could only accelerate to one of the five benched Pokemon I had in play.
Can’t drag cards sometimes
When searching for Pokémon or energy using item cards the screen becomes unresponsive and does not allow us to drag a card to select it. The confirm buttons work which defeat the purpose of the card if we can’t actually pull anything… this has been a recurring issue
Battery draining and running hot
I'm using a pixel 7 pro and the live app drains my battery almost 4x as fast as runeterra.
How manyprize cards???
Why do I get to take 2 or 3 prize cards instead of 1? Every place says that "You only take one prize card after you knock out an enemy pokemon" or something like that, but when I play pokemon tcg live I get 2 or sometimes 3. Why?
PTCGL Not Working on Tablet
I would love to be able to play this on my tablet but it wont let me! Are we only allowed to have an account signed in on one system? As in, if I am signed on to the PC, then will it not allow me to use the same account on PTCGL on my tablet? I just want to be able to bring this game with my anywhere, please help if you…
Update Older Cards
Can you please update Older Cards so that we can organize and play in tournaments like Gym Leader Challenge? It should not be that hard to work on these cards between standard releases. Thanks
Assets from the old account are not transferred to PTCG LIVE,why?
Good job at adding time zone to maintenance schedule
Thank you for listening to constructive feedback and adding a time zone to the maintenance screen. I look forward to more improvements soon.
Arezu doesn't reveal cards to opponent
Whenever I see an opponent play Arezu, the cards they picked go straight into the hand instead of being revealed first despite the card clearly stating to reveal the cards to your opponent.
Rule box
Why did "Path to the Park" stadium card effect on my Mimikyu? This card doesn't have any rule box? It makes no sense. Does ability count as a rule box?