Turn skip bug
Just encountered a bug that immediately skipped my turn after my draw step.
Cant pick certain cards when using item/ability/supporter that allow you to search your deck
I've encountered a bug that has happened like 4 times now. Occasionally when I use a card that allows me to search my deck for cards, it shows cards I can pick, but won't let me click on them. My latest encounter was just a few minutes ago when I used Colress's Experiment. All 5 cards from the top of the deck appeared…
Rapid Strike weavile two hit KO bug
Pokémon: 5 4 Octillery BRS-TG 3 4 Remoraid BST 36 4 Weavile CRE 31 PH 4 Falinks ASR-TG 7 4 Sneasel CRE 30 PH Trainer: 9 3 Tower of Waters BST 138 3 Korrina's Focus BST 128 4 Brawly CRE 131 2 Iono PAL 269 1 Siebold CRE 198 4 Rapid Strike Scroll of Swirls BST 131 PH 4 Gutsy Pickaxe ASR 145 1 Siebold CRE 221 2 Boss's Orders…
Hello, I've recently came across wo chien, but pokemon live won't let me add them to my deck. I can't even find it when I search. PLEASE HELP
Issue with Energy Retrieval
There's a bug when I activated Energy Retrieval, the whole screen just stucked there. I can't even do anything, like activating card effect or end turn.
Feedback: Currency Updates Needed
The in game currency reward rates are set way to low. I can tell the game was made with the intent to have people buy PTCG products and use the codes to get access to cards in PTCG Live but I (and I'm sure lots of other people) don't have time to go to tournaments to use those cards so it be a waste of time and money to…
Occasional bug where the top menu disappear entirely
I and my friends have encountered a bug that happens at random sometimes. After a match or levelling up, the top menu where the buttons for 'Home, Deck, Profile, Shop, and Battlepass' are, disappears, as well as the 'coins, gems and credits'. When it disappears, it just shows the background behind it. When this happens the…
Card images & deck searching
I've recently installed PTCG-Live on my laptop (Windows 11) after it became clear that this software just doesn't work on any system using Windows 10 (or older presumably). After a few test runs the one bug I keep encountering is that card images don't, or really slowly, load during a match. This way I have to hover over…
is there a reason why when I put Radiant Eternatus in play I cant put vmax Duralundon in
I put Radiamt Eternatus in play from my bench and I was able to choose put another vmax in play but for some reason I was not allowed to pur Dralundon vmax in play
OK I couldn't migrate my sword & shield deck from the TCGO to LiVE, I already entered in contact via ticket with support saying that I could recreate my deck manually inside the game but there's none of my cards listed. the I really want to keep playing the game but I also want to have my physical deck inside the new game.