What Timezone is the Maintenance done?
What time zone is Pokemon TCGL maintenance done in? It states 0800 to 1600 but I am not sure what times does this mean. Anyone know?
Why can't I play pokemon TCG anymore?
I am trying not to take the win-loss ratio seriously in this game, but from what I can tell there is nothing else to take seriously. Almost every game ends in a bug, forcing me to quit the app and restart the game. Even when I have a stable connection, I cannot play for no reason so the timer runs out and I lose. Cards…
Unable to select an item from Mew's [Celebrations 011/025] Mysterious Tail ability
Brief Overview: When I used Mew's [Celebrations 011/025] ability Mysterious Tail, there were valid items to select (Battle VIP Pass) But I was unable to select the VIP pass / drag it to the selection box. Exact Scenario: On the ranked ladder, I went second against Mew VMAX, leading with Mew in the active position and no…
[BUG REPORT] Infinte turn after draw phase
After drawing, the card drawed is displayed in center of the screen and no action is possible. Even the timer sometimes dispay the countdown and dissapear before reaching zero The only way to go trhough is to concede the match and ALT+F4 the game to reconnect. But even doing that, the problem can happen in the next game…
My phone heats up like crazy!
Hello everyone. While I'm playing the game on the phone, it really heats up like it's overusing all of my phone resources. I can't play more than one or two games in a row because my phone becomes too hot to hold on my hands, and I'm afraid by playing long games I might damage my battery or the phone's circuits. So far…
AI game comes to standstill when AI tries to draw more cards without a deck
Was testing a deck against the AI that has Kricketune V. The AI drew the last card from its deck and attempted to use Kricketune V's Ability, which allows the player to draw cards till they have 3 cards in their hand if Kricketune V is on the Bench. Then the game just stopped progressing when there was no deck to draw…
***BUG*** Evolving and bravery charm
When evolving a pokemon that has a bravery charm attached it will lose the bravery charm abilities. I noticed this using a rare candy on my Frigibax witch meant that after that I had a Baxcalibur with the charm attached but no effects from it. It also happend when going from palkiaV to PalkiaVstar.
Bug during play swapped over to opponent
It was my turn against Phoenix2002tcg when suddenly the turn got swapped and over to this player for his final attack.
Avatar display bug
My opponent's avatar doesn't load on every single game I do , leaving me against this haunting model of a near naked avatar with void and white eyes. Anyone else encountered this problem?
***BUG*** Physic Embrace + Temple of Sinnoh ***Game Breaking***
I'm not sure what it is in the code, but I was unable to attach energy to Drifloon with Physic Embrace and it made the game state freeze. Also, it made my Gardevoir EX go invisible. It was one the bench between Mimikyu and Manaphy. The only thing I could do was concede. So I lost and wasted time. I even sat there for 20…